Nature’s fortress: How mangroves protect coastal lives

Mangroves support fisheries as breeding grounds for many fish species.
MANGROVE forests stand as the first line of defense during tropical cyclones.
MANGROVE forests stand as the first line of defense during tropical cyclones.PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF ALBERT ALCAIN/ROMEO MAGHIRANG
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Mangroves, with their intricate root systems and dense foliage, are more than just trees growing along coastlines. In the Philippines, these natural wonders play a significant role in disaster risk management and in building resilience to the impacts of climate change. Let us know more about what mangroves can do.

Storm surge barriers: Mangroves act as natural barriers against storm surges and large waves. For coastal communities, mangrove forests stand as the first line of defense during tropical cyclones.

Flood control: During heavy rains, mangroves absorb and slow down water flow, reducing flood risk. In the Philippines, where heavy rainfall and flooding are frequent, this ability to manage water flow is crucial.

Carbon sequestration: Mangroves sequester carbon. By absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, mangroves help reduce the impacts of climate change, which contributes to the increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters.

Erosion control: Mangrove roots stabilize the shoreline, preventing coastal erosion. This natural reinforcement is a cost-effective way to combat the persistent threat of coastal erosion.

Community livelihoods: Mangroves support local economies through fishing, tourism, and other activities. They support fisheries as breeding grounds for many fish species and attract tourists with their natural beauty, helping communities diversify and stabilize income sources.

During the National Disaster Resilience Month, we highlight the importance of mangroves for their vital role in protecting the Philippines. By educating and involving communities, we ensure these natural protectors secure a safer, resilient future.

Join us in protecting and restoring mangroves. Get involved in planting mangroves, clean up coastal areas, raise awareness, and urge local leaders to prioritize mangrove conservation and restoration initiatives.

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