EU-ME wars spreading to U.S. shores

Bernie V. Lopez

Both Ukraine and Belarus have massed troops along their common border. Many observers predict war is imminent — a wrong geopolitical perception. In truth, Ukraine and Belarus are trying to avoid conflict. The massing of troops is a defensive move by both sides, for fear that the other side is taking the initiative to attack at any time. Both sides are not in the mood for war, as they both feel a protracted border war will lead to nothing but endless deaths on both sides. This local perspective of these two “small” nations is understandable and is the key to peace.

The key to war is up to the giant proxies — US-NATO on one side and Russia-China on the other. The UK, France and Germany, the aggressive NATO triumvirate, have given the go-ahead signals for Ukraine to use the long-range missiles they have provided to strike deep into Russian territories. Take note, we are talking of long-range missiles, which have not yet been used. So far, Ukraine has been using short-range non-nuclear missiles.

But there is a catch. In fear of the threats of a nuclear war aired by Russia and Belarus, the deal with the triumvirate is that Ukraine can use these long-range missiles only within its borders. Zelensky is courting them to lift this ban, citing daily Russian bombardment of major Ukrainian cities. But the triumvirate is silent on this… yet. “Yet” means a gray-area hesitation towards escalation. The triumvirate may change its mind if the going gets rough. The situation is thus very volatile. It is like a cowboy duel where the two sides have readied their hands for the draw, but no one is making a move… yet.

Recent Ukraine short-range missiles have been very effective, destroying key Russian facilities and infrastructure. Russia’s missile defense system is flawed. Russia is so bent on aggression, it has forgotten to address its missile defense against the US-NATO-supplied Ukraine short-range missiles — what more the looming long-range ones.

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, as aired on social media by Aussie-Cossack (which needs to be checked for veracity), reportedly said, “As soon as NATO attacks Belarus, we will use nuclear weapons.” Lukashenko may not be bluffing. The fall of Belarus opens a wide corridor for a direct assault on Russia.

The chances of US-NATO attacking Belarus are actually slim. They know this brinkmanship may lead to an all-out US-NATO versus Russia-Belarus confrontation. They know that they cannot bring Russia down this way. They know that a direct US-NATO attack on Belarus is tantamount to WW3. So, US-NATO will hide under the skirt of Ukraine, which it has been doing since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. For US-NATO, let Ukraine bear the brunt of the assault or offensive of Russia… for now.

The result is that, considering Russia’s weak missile defense umbrella, devastation within Russian territory may lead to a possible massive retaliation not only against Ukraine but also against US-NATO countries in Europe, particularly the aggressive triumvirate — UK, France and Germany. The logic is: you gave the gun to Ukraine, which is tantamount to a US-NATO assault.

Many generals at the Pentagon believe a war against Russia will essentially be confined to Europe. They may not realize it, or they may be quarreling about it right now, but Russian and Chinese warships and stealth nuclear subs are already stalking the US Atlantic shores, with Cuba playing a central logistical role. Any dramatic changes in Europe may trigger an Atlantic theater of war beyond our imagination.

The US has not had a war within its territory since the American Civil War (April 1861 to April 1865). For the first time, over one and a half centuries later, war — a hundred-fold bigger — may ironically reach American shores.

We recall the prophecy of Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Medjugorje hinting that the war in Ukraine may spread to a bigger war beyond our imagination. (The Vatican recently announced the authenticity of the Medjugorje apparitions).

Lady, Queen of Peace, teach us the way to peace. Let the peacemakers prevail in your name and in Jesus’s name. Amen.