Photo courtesy of DAR

Sarangani coop receives P1.5-M farm machines

Jing Villamente

Farmer members of the Maribulan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative (MARBECO) received a P1.5 million worth of farm machineries, including a farm tractor and four units of shallow tube well from the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) reported Monday, to boost the banana production in this town.

DAR’s Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officer I Ramonito Marciano said the support service was provided under the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project to enhance climate-resilient banana production with a steady water supply and improve both product quality and post-production handling.

He added that the shallow tube wells would provide irrigation for the cooperative’s 50-hectare banana plantation, particularly during the dry season.

“Take good care of these machineries and adhere to the guided business operations. Be assured that the DAR will always be there to assist you should you encounter any difficulties in implementing the project,” Marciano said.

MARBECO chairman Julian Camia Sr. expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the continued support of DAR from capacity building to the provision of hard components.

“Thank you, on behalf of MARBECO members. Rest assured that we will use these resources as intended to further improve our agricultural production,” he said.