Viral post highlights pet policy controversy at Balay Dako

Hayana Ferreras

A Facebook post by netizen Lara L. Antonio went viral on 8 September, sparking a heated discussion about pet policies at Balay Dako, a popular restaurant in Tagaytay.

Antonio shared her disappointing dining experience when her Aspin, Yoda, was denied entry, despite her understanding that the establishment was pet-friendly. Antonio’s post, which quickly gained traction on social media, has raised concerns over how mixed-breed dogs like Aspins are perceived and treated in pet-friendly spaces.

Balay Dako has a policy permitting only “up to medium-sized dogs.” Antonio was confident that Yoda met the criteria.

According to the pet owner, they had been in the restaurant before with Yoda and had no issues. However, a staff member probed further, asking, “What breed is she?” to which Antonio replied “mixed breed,” feeling that something was amiss.

The staff then inquired about Yoda’s weight, and upon learning she weighed around 18 kilograms, insisted that only dogs weighing between 10 to 15 kilograms were allowed.

She pointed out that there was no information on Balay Dako’s website regarding weight restrictions for medium-sized dogs.

The situation escalated when the restaurant’s manager arrived, presenting photos of dogs allowed into the premises. As she scrolled through images dating back to 2023, Antonio noticed a glaring inconsistency: a photo of a golden retriever — larger than Yoda — among the dogs allowed inside.

LARA Antonio’s dog.

The manager also mentioned Labradors and Shih Tzus as examples of dogs that had been previously welcomed, which only added to Antonio’s frustration, as Labradors generally weigh far more than 15 kilograms. When Antonio pressed for more details about the policy, she was told that the decisions were made on-site by the staff, not listed online or in any visible guideline.

Antonio’s post sparked a wave of responses from netizens, many of whom shared their own experiences of having their Aspins turned away from Balay Dako. Some mentioned their dogs were even smaller than Yoda, casting further doubt on the 15-kilogram rule.

Others shared stories of inconsistent enforcement with larger breeds like Chow Chows, with some being allowed and others not. The lack of clarity and perceived discrimination based on breed has fueled public discourse, leading to calls for more transparent pet policies at the restaurant.

Moreover, actress Heart Evangelista showed support for Yoda, hinting at wanting to “invite” Yoda for tea along with her own Aspin, Panda. Evangelista posted a photo of Panda on Instagram, captioning it, “Aspin Society Elite Pres. [Panda Ongpauco Escudero] Sending LOVE to Yoda.”

Balay Dako apology

falls short

In response to the controversy, Balay Dako issued a statement on Facebook apologizing for the incident. “As a company that loves animals, we understand the importance of accommodating pets. However, we must also consider factors such as spacing and the safety of all our guests,” the statement read.

The establishment added that it is reviewing their policies to ensure fairness for both pet and non-pet owners. However, for many, the apology fell short, as it did not directly address the concerns about inconsistency and lack of clear guidelines.

Netizens continued to express their dissatisfaction, with some suggesting that Balay Dako should decide whether it truly is a pet-friendly establishment.

“They should just decide if they’re pet-friendly or not instead of ruining other people’s road trips and family vacations,” one user commented.

Another pointed out the perceived bias against Aspins, saying, “They discriminated against the breed that’s endemic to the Philippines! It’s absurd!”

Antonio expressed her hope that the viral post would not only prompt Balay Dako and other establishments to create clearer pet policies but also foster a greater appreciation for Aspins and other mixed breeds.

Reflecting on her bond with Yoda, Antonio shared that she found the dog in her early 20s and has raised her with love and care ever since. Yoda’s presence has even inspired Antonio to become more active in animal welfare efforts.

As the dust settles, Antonio urges pet-friendly establishments to be transparent about their policies, whether it’s size restrictions or the need for pets to be in carriers or strollers. She emphasizes that clear communication is key to ensuring positive experiences for all pet owners.

For now, Yoda is back to enjoying her favorite meals, and Antonio hopes this incident will inspire others to champion inclusivity and fairness for all pets, regardless of breed.