DR. Melvin Nario. screengrabbed from bio integrated health center

Dr. Melvin Nario: A passion for integrative medicine

Hazel Ann Era

"Health is wealth” is a phrase many of us have heard, but true wellness goes beyond words — it’s reflected in our commitment to improving our lifestyle, diet and overall well-being. Neglecting these aspects can lead to serious consequences that are often difficult to foresee and even harder to manage. Medical expenses can be overwhelming and finding effective and affordable solutions are crucial. 

One such approach gaining attention is homeopathy — a form of alternative medicine that aims to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Through highly diluted substances, homeopathy offers a gentle, natural way to treat various conditions, making it an appealing option for those seeking holistic health care.

Dr. Melvin Nario is a medical professional and a licensed homeopathic medical doctor. He is a graduate of the University of Santo Tomas, Manila. Currently, Dr. Nario serves as the standing medical director at the Bio Integrative Health Center International in Reno, Nevada and holds the position of vice president of the Nevada Homeopathic Board.

During his 30s in Las Vegas, Nevada, Dr. Nario was careless about his lifestyle and was  diagnosed with hypertension, prediabetes, and high cholesterol. This experience led him to reflect on his role as a doctor to his patient.

“My doctors, who were also my colleagues, told me that I needed to start medication immediately. That changed everything. Suddenly, I was no longer just a doctor — I was a patient. It was a different mindset,” Dr. Nario shared during the Daily Tribune’s show Spotlight.

Dr. Nario’s journey into integrative medicine was influenced by his aunt, Corazon Ibarra, a pioneer of this approach in the Philippines. He sought his aunt’s guidance, asking if it was possible to be treated naturally, without medication. Her affirmative response and introduction to IV therapy and homeopathy sparked his interest. 

“I took a chance, and it was a road I never looked back on. Through integrative medicine, I found my health again. Now, I’m 140 pounds without any of the conditions I had before,” Dr. Nario shared.

This personal transformation fueled Dr. Nario’s passion for integrative medicine, a field that combines traditional medical practices with alternative therapies like homeopathy, energy medicine and more. 

“It’s not just about doing something and being done with it. Everything stands on the foundation of lifestyle — diet, exercise, stress management. These, combined with natural therapies, are what make a real difference,” Dr. Nario explained. 


One of Dr. Nario’s most challenging experiences was treating his own father, a fellow doctor, who was diagnosed with kidney cancer. His father initially accepted his fate, but Dr. Nario introduced him to low-dose chemotherapy, coupled with dietary changes and emotional therapy. 

“Chemotherapy is often feared because of its side effects. But with low-dose treatment, the side effects were minimal, and my father agreed to try it,” Dr. Nario insisted. 

Dr. Nario emphasized that integrative medicine does not reject conventional treatments. Instead, it combines them with alternative therapies to enhance the patient’s quality of life. 

“We’re not just doctors who prescribe herbs and say you’ll get better. We use antibiotics when needed and understand when to combine different approaches to achieve the best outcomes,” Dr. Nario explained. 

As for the state of integrative medicine in the Philippines, Dr. Nario is optimistic. 

“When I visit the Philippines, I’m thrilled to see the progress,” Dr. Nario said. “There are very good doctors here who are paving the way for integrative practices to grow. That’s why I’m here — to help them.”