Anti-riot officers start barricading the main gate of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ compound in Davao City on Saturday, 24 August, as they serve the no-bail arrest warrant of its leader Pastor Apollo Quiboloy and his co-accused. PHOTOGRAPHS BY PREXX TROZO AND PRESIDENTIAL TRACKER FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE

DOJ backs PNP's warrant serving amid TPO

Alvin Murcia

In a statement today, 28 August, The Department of Justice (DOJ) expressed its support for the Philippine National Police (PNP) after its recent, highly-criticized warrant-serving operation on Apollo Quiboloy and his associates at the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC) compound in Davao City.

Davao City Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 15 issued Temporary Protection Order (TPO) and instructed PNP Region XI to "immediately cease and desist from any act or omission that threatens the life, liberty, and security, as well as the property, of the petitioners."

The DOJ asserted that these police operations were legally sanctioned under a court order. The department further noted that police operatives have ensured free access to the compound.

The DOJ stated that, while it respected the court's decision, it believes the TPO is now moot and academic, as the issues it raised have been addressed. Likewise, it noted that a writ of amparo is specifically for protection against the unlawful deprivation of life, liberty, or property by public officials. Since the PNP's actions were conducted under a valid arrest warrant, the grounds for invoking a writ of amparo are not applicable, in the department's view.

The statement said, "The DOJ stands in solidarity with the PNP in upholding the rule of law and in this quest for justice."