When a woman says ‘no’

Yogi Filemon Ruiz

Like all things that come in pairs, men and women coexist. It is anchored on the complementary nature of their strengths, abilities, and perspectives. Their mutual existence contributes to diverse skills and viewpoints, allowing for a well-rounded approach to problem-solving, decision-making, and nurturing relationships.

When men and women collaborate, they contribute to a better environment and work for the common good. This underlying philosophy has real-world significance. Of course, I am not referring to a Bonnie and Clyde situation, which is out of the equation.

Respect is shown through different behaviors, attitudes, and actions, such as showing appreciation, consideration, and admiration for an individual, whether verbal or non-verbal cues, such as being polite, listening actively, being empathetic, and recognizing the worth and dignity of others.

Respect is a deliberate choice. It helps build strong, supportive relationships with wives, partners, and girlfriends. It acknowledges women’s values, independence, and well-being and creates a society based on equality, empathy, and understanding.

Filipinos typically demonstrate respect for women by being fair, kind, and courteous. They actively avoid engaging in behaviors that may cause harm or offense, an attitude deeply rooted in our cultural values.

During our formative years, our elders, the community, and society instilled in us the values of respect and empathy. As we progress into adulthood and forge our paths, our understanding of respect for women, particularly in the context of marriage, improves, especially in nurturing meaningful relationships, laying the groundwork for a future brimming with positivity and promise.

Respect for the wife is a must in marriage; the same is true of the wife’s respect for the husband. It forms a foundation for a solid and loving partnership. As husbands, we should acknowledge her worth as an individual, independent of her roles and responsibilities within the family. We value her opinions, aspirations, and emotions and actively listen to her perspectives.

I respect my spouse by giving her autonomy to make the best decisions and choices for herself and our family. I demonstrate my admiration by engaging in effective communication, which entails actively listening to her, showing empathy, and striving to understand her perspective. These skills can be developed through learning and practice to form the foundation of mutual respect within our marriage. Cultivating these qualities is vital for fostering a solid, enduring relationship and a happy family life based on understanding and consideration.

Respecting one’s wife should not be difficult. It involves treating her with kindness and consideration and recognizing her significant contributions to the family. This includes sharing responsibilities fairly and appreciating women’s essential role in nurturing and maintaining the family’s well-being.

It means prioritizing the physical and emotional welfare of one’s wife by altogether avoiding any form of physical, sexual, or emotional harm and taking proactive steps to establish a secure and supportive environment for her.

We must acknowledge and challenge societal attitudes and behaviors that perpetuate disrespect and inequality toward women. We should actively confront and address sexism, gender stereotypes, and discriminatory practices that undermine women’s rights and dignity.

Advocating for gender equality is a powerful tool that can empower and motivate individuals and build a community that values and empowers women. Men, in particular, have a crucial role in this advocacy, as they can use their influence to promote equality and respect for women.

By valuing and honoring the contributions and well-being of women in our lives, we cultivate a partnership built on mutual respect, understanding, and equality. This mutual respect and understanding are a solid foundation, reassuring both partners and instilling confidence in the relationship’s strength.

So whenever a woman, especially your wife, says “no,” it means “no,” without exception or room for negotiation. This principle must be upheld in all interactions, regardless of the individual’s status or position.

And this applies to all men, senators or not.

(You may send comments and reactions to feedback032020@gmail.com or text 0931-1057135.)