Meralco’s continuous upgrading of facilities benefits the manufacturing sector as these will lessen power outages and improve the quality of the electricity service, says the Federation of Philippine Industries.  

Industry, consumer groups back Meralco’s franchise renewal

Cynthia Balana

Various industry and consumer groups have expressed support for the franchise renewal of the Manila Electric Company (Meralco), citing the distribution utility’s critical role in shaping the country’s energy and economic landscape.

The Manuel V. Pangilinan-led utility, which delivers electricity service to around 8 million customers in the country’s primary economic hub Metro Manila and surrounding areas, has been a crucial partner of various industries in their respective growth trajectories to drive economic growth.

Recognizing the numerous contributions of Meralco over the years, several groups have voiced their support for the company and its delivery of reliable, stable, and safe electricity service to customers — ranging from households to big businesses — a testament to the utility’s robust infrastructure and extensive experience in providing cost-effective services.

Economic catalyst

As the largest electric distribution utility in the Philippines, Meralco plays a vital role in sustaining the energy needs of the nation enabling businesses to thrive and communities to flourish. A stable electricity supply is a lifeline for businesses, especially those in services, technology, and manufacturing sectors that would significantly encourage investors and help stabilize the economy.

For the Federation of Philippine Industries (FPI), the franchise renewal will attract more investments and improve the manufacturing sector. The FPI emphasized that Meralco’s continuous network upgrades directly benefit the manufacturing sector as it improved the quality of the electricity service and lessened power outages.

“A stable and reliable power supply which Meralco provides plays a crucial role for industries to thrive,” FPI Chairman Dr. Jesus L. Arranza said.

The Bankers Association of the Philippines, meanwhile, acknowledged Meralco’s economic contributions are critical in driving economic vitality in the country while the Philippine Retailers Association emphasized that the renewal is more than just continuing service but is also about maintaining the momentum of progress in the country.

Semiconductors and Electronics Industries in the Philippines Foundation Inc. (SEIPI), Meralco’s franchise renewal will give confidence to foreign investors as it will signal stability in the Philippine economic landscape.

“The utility had been providing excellent service and constantly investing in capital expenditure projects in economic zone locations and industrial parks to meet the robust power quality that is needed by our industry to be globally competitive,” SEIPI president Dan Lachica said.

The president of SEIPI Dan Lachica stated “The utility had been providing excellent service and constantly investing in capital expenditure projects in economic zone locations and industrial parks to meet the robust power quality that is needed by our industry to be globally competitive.”

In supporting Meralco’s franchise renewal, the Management Association of the Philippines says the power distributor ensures reliable electricity crucial to businesses.

Ensuring energy security

Aside from providing consistent power supply, the renewal of Meralco’s franchise would be crucial in supporting the development of new technologies, promoting energy efficiency, and advancing sustainable practices within the industry.

The Makati Business Club, or MBC, acknowledges Meralco’s significant role in ensuring reliable and accessible electricity for households and businesses in the country’s key economic regions. The MBC said Meralco has also demonstrated its commitment to promoting renewable energy and has implemented programs to assist customers in transitioning to cleaner power sources.

“Since its initial franchise, Meralco has achieved near-universal electrification within its franchise area and has consistently met growing demand. Moreover, a renewed franchise for Meralco aligns with government objectives to enhance energy security, resilience, and sustainability,” the MBC said.

The Management Association of the Philippines (MAP), meanwhile, commended Meralco for demonstrating willingness to cater to the needs of global hyper scalers with high power quality demands and adopt cutting-edge solutions like microgrid technology.

“The MAP strongly supports the renewal of the franchise of Meralco which ensures reliable electricity that is crucial for businesses and Filipinos’ well-being,” MAP president Rene Almendras said.

According to Semiconductors and Electronics Industries in the Philippines, the distribution utility has provided excellent service ever since and continuously invested in capital expenditure in growing economic hubs.

Partner in nation-building

The company’s extension of franchise will also secure the continued provision of essential services and help achieve prosperity and national development benefiting several industries in the country.

The Philippine Iron and Steel Institute (PISI) says that a franchise renewal would allow for continuity in the delivery of services to both the industry and consumers.

“Meralco has consistently provided reliable service and renewing its franchise would be in the public’s best interest and would contribute to the ongoing growth of the economy,” PISI president Ronald C. Magsajo stated.

The IT and Business Process Association of the Philippines, or IBPAP, said the franchise renewal would secure the continued success and stability of the IT-BPM sector and benefit the broader community through sustained economic growth and improved quality of life.

“Meralco’s efforts in enhancing energy efficiency and adopting new technologies support the IT-BPM industry’s need to be globally competitive,” IBPAP president and CEO Jack Madrid said.

The Private Electric Power Operators Association applauded Meralco for its universal service and dedication to serving and empowering the communities.

Ally of Filipinos

Beyond energy security, renewing the franchise of Meralco would also secure the livelihood of numerous employees and ensure the continuous operation of various ancillary businesses that depend on the distribution utility’s services.

Signatories to the petition for a franchise renewal cited Meralco’s services’ advantages and impact on the company’s broader network of businesses and employees.

The Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP) showed support saying Meralco is an economic catalyst as its operational excellence boost the economy by fostering growth, sustaining the operations, and supporting job creation all over the country.

While a coalition of distribution utilities, the Private Electric Power Operators Association, or PEPOA, commends Meralco for its universal service and dedication to serving the community. According to PEPOA president Ranulfo Ocampo mentioned that Meralco leads in adopting several innovative programs for its customers while promoting an eco-friendly energy landscape.

Several business and industry groups also joined a roster of organizations from different sectors including energy, communications, hospitality, labor, engineering, manufacturing, private services, infrastructure, and health services voiced their support to the company’s bid to give reliable service to its consumers.

Other organizations that endorse the renewal of Meralco’s legislative franchise include the Advocates and Keepers Organization of Overseas Filipino Workers (AKO-OFW), Bankers Association of the Philippines (BAP), British Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (BCCP), Cavite Export Zone Investors Association (CEZIA), Cement Manufacturers Association of the Philippines (CeMAP), Cold Chain Association of the Philippines (CCAP), Makati Business Club (MBC), Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers (IIEE), International Association of Business Communicators Philippines (IABC Philippines), Mapúa Electrical Engineering Alumni Association Inc. (MEEAA),Philippine Association of Legitimate Service Contractors Inc. (PALSCON) Philippine Hotel Owners Association Inc. (PHOA), Private Hospitals Association of the Philippines Inc. (PHAPI), Philippine Retailers Association (PRA), Retail Electricity Suppliers Association Inc. (RESA), Society of Philippine Electrotechnical Constructors and Suppliers Inc. (SPECS), Philippine Iron and Steel Institute (PISI) , The Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Philippines Inc. (JCCIPI) and Women’s Business Council of the Philippines.

Given all its contributions, renewing Meralco’s franchise is essential for ensuring the sustained delivery of safe, reliable, and cheap electricity services to its customers. With a legacy spanning over a century, Meralco still upholds its commitment to be a partner in nation development in providing end-to-end energy solutions that will benefit several industries, consumers, and the Filipinos as whole.