Can we learn anything from a sex scandal

Alwin Ignacio

The current sex scandal video that has circulated allegedly features Mark Anthony Fernandez as its main attraction. Was the man in the video engaging in explicit acts really him, an impostor, or heaven forbid a clone.

As early as 10 a.m., Fernandez’s name was trending with impressive numbers on X (formerly Twitter), and snippets of his encounter with a woman who does not seem to be a familiar face in show business caught everyone’s attention.

According to my research, there are supposedly two full videos of the alleged actor’s sexual activity that were caught on camera and are being shared privately in paid group chats. Four short clips have been made public. In two of these clips, a man who strikingly resembles the showbiz royalty Mark Anthony Fernandez — only son of the late great action star Rudy Fernandez and the third force during the height of the Nora Aunor and Vilma Santos rivalry, Alma Moreno — is shown in close-up shots of his face and his erect penis.

According to netizens on X, aside from Fernandez, there are two other sex videos allegedly featuring male starlets as the main attractions. However, these do not match the curiosity and demand for the videos allegedly featuring one of the original Guapings.

Thus, I cannot help but wonder: When you are a celebrity involved in such a sensational incident, how do you deal with a sex scandal? And are there any lessons to be learned from such a salacious spectacle?

Touch move!

As to how and why a celebrity, or a private person for that matter, records their sexual activities on any device, only the individual can answer. There is no passing of judgment here, as the individuals in shared sex scandal videos are adults who have had their private acts made public.

The couple in this scandalous video were obviously aware that they were being filmed. They seemed to derive “kicks” from it, and the act of documenting their encounter likely added a higher level of arousal and satisfaction, as they pursued their porn star aspirations.

I also have no idea why they were so brazen as to film their sexually charged moments without considering the consequences. It is a well-known fact that there have been countless sex videos allegedly involving actors from the past — some from their younger years, others from adulthood, either engaging in solo acts or with partners in heated encounters, much like the latest sex scandal.

There is no need to name those who were brave enough to have the “commotion” and “controversy” investigated. Simply type their names into your favorite search engine, and you will find information about the progress of their cases.

Unfortunately, celebrities who filed formal complaints about these leaked sex videos, hoping that the culprits would be caught by the authorities and punished accordingly, displayed a naiveté in trusting the system that is truly baffling. To this day, no one has been charged or apprehended, and the efforts of those seeking justice have been in vain.

It is also important to address who leaked the videos online and why. Aside from the notoriety and damage it may inflict on the individuals involved, what motivated them to share it? Was it for clout, personal gratification, or to gain fame?

Will the old saying “Honesty is the best policy” apply in this situation? Yes! The man allegedly involved in the sex scandal video is of legal age and a mature individual. He must face the situation honestly and take responsibility.

If the man in the video, who resembles an actor, chooses to deny the allegations and take legal action, it is his right to do so. He is no longer a “spring chicken.” Career-wise, he is considered a character actor rather than an upstart.

If the person facing a sex scandal allegation is quite young, or if the incident occurred before they entered show business, they might choose to remain silent, avoid dignifying it and attribute it to their raging hormones and reckless youth. However, if the young actor has gained significant popularity and maintains an immaculate image, and if the sex scandal video is potentially damaging, they should consider engaging video experts to manage the denial and a legal team to deter those who continuously share and spread the video.

The reality is that this sex video scandal will likely become a thing of the past with the arrival of a new video that may or may not feature an A-lister.

The biggest lesson from this latest scandal allegedly involving an actor is to keep your porn star aspirations to yourself. Do not film the act; let the memories remain in your mind.

Also, while it may seem old-fashioned, sex is just sex, period. Making love, however, is a completely different matter because it involves feelings, passion and, most importantly, respect. That’s all.