You ask, I answer

Cory Quirino

It’s time to attend to your biggest concerns. Remember that the answer to some of our most pressing health and wellness challenges is oftentimes, the simplest one.

Q: Why is it so difficult to lose weight?

No two people have the same metabolic profiles. Thus, there is no single, made-to-order approach to this challenge.

Exercise daily for better circulation.

While it is true that the last five pounds is the hardest to lose, it pays to take a closer look at oneself.

This regimen is the general rule:

1. Cut back on the calories. Limit the intake of carbohydrates, sugar and processed foods.

2. Increase metabolism through more physical activity. Exercise for a minimum of 45 minutes daily.

3. Manage stress levels.

4. Follow a set and regular meal time.

5. Increase fiber intake.

CREATE a mind-body regimen.

Q: Since becoming a senior, it has become more challenging to manage my reaction to stress. What is your best advice.

Seniors naturally tend to seek more peace and balance in their lives. Thus, stress is something any senior would want to avoid. This is because an emotional reaction to a situation can easily affect one’s blood pressure.

One must guard the heart at all cost.

1. Know and understand yourself better. Only you can determine how a situation will affect you. Therefore, learn to prevent getting into any sticky situation. Avoidance is a good preventive measure. Step away from the noise and discord.

2. Adopt a mind-body regimen. Yoga and Tauchi are highly recommended.

3. Quiet time is a must. Devote 20 minutes of meditation in the morning before you start your day and at night before bedtime. Learn basic meditation techniques. For now, do this:

Inhale six counts.

Hold your breath for three counts.

Exhale six counts.

AVOID bleaching your hair.

Q: Any beauty regimens to have thicker hair?

There are many.

Do not:

1. Wear anything that pulls your hair strands or puts pressure on your scalp like headbands, tight ponytails, wearing wigs that raise the heat level of your scalp.

2. Bleaching your hair will damage it .

3. Not eating nutritiously.

4. Not getting enough sleep.

5. Worrying can cause anxiety which may cause hair fall.

Do try to:

1. Use a natural shampoo without any harsh chemicals.

2. Getting a hair treatment monthly.

3. Taking a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement.

4. Using a natural hair tonic that boosts scalp circulation.

5. Applying fresh aloe vera on your scalp.

Beauty Facial: Mix extra virgin olive oil with a squeeze of cucumber juice for a natural facial massage oil.

Exercise of the week: Walk for 30 minutes each day to ensure better circulation.

Affirmations: “I will do better by trying my best!”

Love and Light.