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Woman faces raps for cutting husband’s ‘weapon’

Aldwin Quitasol

BAGUIO CITY — A 55-year-old woman is now facing criminal charges for slashing the penis of her husband.

The suspect and her 58-year-old husband were not identified. The crime happened at Purok 9, Balenben, Irisan, Baguio City where the couple resides.

Based on police investigation, the slashing incident occurred following an argument between the couple during a drinking session. The wife was said to have been suspecting that her husband has another relationship.

Before the incident, the two were drinking at the house of the sibling of the suspect. When the two went home, the woman suddenly picked up a knife and slashed the penis pf her husband.

The suspect immediately ran away from the scene while the victim screamed for help.

He was rushed to the hospital by responding policemen. He underwent surgery where the doctors successfully restored his organ.