Rafael M. Alunan III, former secretary of Interior and Local Government under then President Fidel V. Ramos, ended his term as (RY) 2023-2024 Rotary Club of Manila president on 30 June 2024. He will be succeeded in that post by Eduardo V. Enriquez III.  photograph courtesy of rafael alunan/fb

Outgoing RC Manila president Rafael Alunan delivers poignant valedictory address


Rafael M. Alunan III, (Rotary Year) 2023-2024 Rotary Club of Manila president ended his term on 30 June 2024. Last Thursday, 25 June, before RC Manila members and officers gathered at the Manila Polo Club, he delivered his valedictory speech, as follows:

Tempus fugit is a well-known Roman proverb that translates into “time flies or flees.” Indeed, it passed so quickly with all the trials, triumphs and personal tragedy bundled in one year during my presidency of this Club, a position I never sought nor campaigned for.

I was happy just being a member, ready to work on worthwhile projects, while I attended to my highest priority — my ailing wife Elizabeth. I was suddenly thrust into this job. Forced to good, I embraced it, knowing that my attention would now be divided between my duty to the Club and my caregiving duties at home.

It was not meant to be as the love of my life of 58 years passed on four months before I could finish my term in office.

And to my disbelief, throughout this handicapped period, deplorable self-serving behavior hounded the Club. Basic rules of good governance, good manners, and right conduct were routinely violated. That would never pass muster in any of the boards of professional organizations I belonged to, multinationals and local conglomerates.

Only a few exhibited undulating waves of indifference, hostility, negligence and inexcusable absences that violated Rotary’s 4-way test. But they managed to affect the majority’s mood, bonds, and enthusiasm that did not escape the attention of the Rotary community.

Just like real leadership transcends superficial symbols like suits and titles, true elitism transcends mere status or wealth. The real elite are defined by a relentless pursuit of knowledge, a commitment to integrity and dedication to society’s betterment.

True leaders empower their teams not through authority alone but by cultivating trust, empathy and a shared sense of purpose. They live by example, demonstrating resilience in adversity and humility in success.

Titles and attire may convey authority or power, but authentic leadership is earned through dedicated service above self and a relentless commitment to advancing common goals for everyone’s benefit.

To be rightfully recognized as a member of the elite, one must embody excellence not only in their achievements but also in their character. The real elite use their influence and resources to uplift others, inspire innovation and drive progress.

They demonstrate leadership through humility and empathy, recognizing that their position comes with the responsibility and devotion to duty. Being truly elite means contributing to the greater good and building a legacy that benefits all.

Real elites are true leaders who bravely navigate uncertainties, make ethical choices and foster an environment where every voice is heard and valued. They possess integrity and the ability to inspire others.

The unusual toxicity that flowed from dysfunctional behavior did not deter RCMers who had the Club’s interests at heart. They rejected wrongdoing. They did not engage in petty bickering, obstructionism, and subterfuge. Instead, they engaged to prevent the Club’s ruin.

It was in the face of adversity that the real elite in RCM found their true strength to serve above self and remain faithful to Rotary’s ideals. They are among the past presidents’ council, board of directors, Club officers, committees, regular members, the Secretariat staff, and Rotaractors we nurtured throughout the year which brought more honor and prestige to RCM.

Their mission focus, dignity and integrity shone bright and swept aside facades that concealed deceit, evasion, and subterfuge. The real elite in RCM clearly understands that “A club is only as good as its members want it to be.”

It reinforced my insight, gained from decades in positions of leadership in the business, civic, and military communities, that “Unity, sincerity, cooperation, and collaboration represent the pinnacle of human potential.”

Let me dwell on each of those four crucial intertwined points that constitute the main body of my valedictory address today, namely: unity, sincerity, cooperation and collaboration.

We need to revisit those principles to refresh our minds on the real meaning of each term and why RCM must regain lost ground to live by those principles.


Uniting for a common purpose is the foundation upon which great achievements are built. It requires maturity and selflessness to set differences aside and back a shared purpose.

It is in unity that we find the courage to face challenges, the compassion to support one another, and the wisdom to build a brighter future.

Unity is the launching pad for transformation, making possible the impossible, and demonstrating the true power of collective effort.


Sincerity ensures that our intentions are pure and our efforts are genuine. It fosters trust and respect. It is the bedrock of genuine human connection. Honest intentions and an open heart create an aura of authenticity that resonates.

Sincerity empowers us to be true to ourselves, to speak our truths, and to act with integrity in the face of adversity. It cultivates a world of transparency and ethos aligned with Rotary’s values that pave the way for lasting change.


Cooperation is the cornerstone of human achievement and progress. It fosters understanding, empathy, and mutual respect, creating a fertile ground for innovation and problem-solving.

It empowers us to overcome challenges that seem insurmountable alone. It forges bonds that enrich our lives and communities and unleash a transformative force transcending individual capabilities.

Through cooperation we cultivate a world where collaboration thrives, where differences are celebrated, and where together, we build a future for all.


Collaboration fosters unity, trust, and camaraderie that inspire and uplift. It’s the art of weaving together diverse talents, ideas, and passions into a tapestry of collective achievement.

Collaboration harnesses the full spectrum of human creativity and expertise and transcends individual limitations to achieve extraordinary outcomes.

When we join forces and pool our strengths and perspectives, we create a synergy that propels us toward shared aspirations and visions.

For example, the Health Check Survey and related General Assemblies to discuss and process our Club’s complex attitudinal and behavioral challenges was an attempt to foster collaboration among the membership.

The aim was to look for innovative solutions that would illuminate the path forward and leave a legacy of collective impact reverberating through succeeding generations of RCMers and Rotaractors to come.

Through these principles of Unity, Solidarity and Teamwork, we transcend our limitations and contribute something far greater than ourselves. Had everyone behaved in that manner we would not have convened the Ethics committee nor called for General Assemblies, not once but many times.

In the year that passed quickly, the real elite RCMers stood by the Club to make things work and stay true to the tenets and values of Rotary.

Because of what they did and because of the stuff that they’re made of, they were recognized today, and by District 3810 two weeks ago, for their quiet but effective contributions to the Club and society.

These were the awards that RCM received from District 3810:

Leadership Award, Governors Challenge Achievement Award, Outstanding Rotary Club, Outstanding Rotary Club President, Best in Vocational Service per category (cat 4), Best in Club Meetings per category (cat 4), Best in Basic Education and literacy, Best in Maternal and child care, Best in water, sanitation and hygiene, Best in disease prevention and treatment, Best in peacebuilding and conflict prevention, Best in community economic development, Best in environment, Best in vocational service per area, Best in club bulletin, Best in public image, Appreciation award for district service — Raoul Creencia.

Teddy Kalaw

Today, we stand on the precipice of tomorrow, ready to leap to a new beginning with the knowledge, courage, and hopes that have shaped the Rotary Club of Manila during our time here.

A new board will take over in a few days carrying on its shoulders the hopes and aspirations of RCMers for real brotherhood as the fuel for future endeavors at the service of our stakeholders, especially those who have less in life.

I’m, however, declaring before you today my temporary disengagement from my duties as IPP and board member as I need to pick up the pieces of my shattered life to put things for my family.

Extrajudicial settlements in various places will require hands-on management and close monitoring to ensure trouble-free outcomes. And the worsening geopolitical environment is drawing me back to a familiar arena requiring my utmost focus.

As the Club steps forward into the future, it should carry the strength of our shared experiences, the lessons and insights we derived from them, and the unyielding belief that we possess the power to do right and be right for the betterment of RCM, first in Asia.

True leaders empower their teams not through authority alone but by cultivating trust, empathy and a shared sense of purpose. They live by example, demonstrating resilience in adversity and humility in success.

I wish the new board the best of everything to raise RCM to the next level and soon-to-be District 3810 Governor Jackie Rodriguez who will take his oath on 4 July. It will likely be my last appearance for some time in RY2024-2025 until I meet my personal goals. On occasion when time permits, I will engage.

I also wish to thank District Governor Lai dela Cruz; the District Officers particularly the gentle but dynamic shepherds in the persons of Gary Pua and Eman Avengoza; our sister and daughter clubs; the PDGs from our District and other Districts; my fellow Hope Creating Presidents; PPs from other clubs; donors and sponsors throughout the year; and the hospitality staff and security of Manila Polo Club; all of them, too many to mention, who collaborated with RC Manila one way or another, or provided much needed moral support.

I now bid the presidency of RC Manila farewell, a lessons-filled presidency that enriched my life, to which I dedicate to God who kept me whole throughout, and to my better half Elizabeth who patiently waited for me to come home without complaint. I cannot thank you enough.

Let my footsteps echo the journey we’ve shared, knowing that our collective efforts were built on the triumphs of past administrations spanning 105 years and will serve as the springboard for future achievement.

Congratulations to every RCMer who pulled his oar to serve above self for others! My profound appreciation and gratitude extend especially to the Secretariat, RCM’s backbone, who sacrificed for the Club without counting the hours. And thank you Anna for your enduring service to RCM beyond the call of duty.

I shall pray fervently that our shared Rotary vision endures. Thank you all. It was my distinct honor and privilege to have served with you.