Daily Tribune @ 24

Dino Datu

My Tribune story started fairly recently and quite unexpectedly.

Before the pandemic, I was with another publication, heading a monthly food magazine. I did that for 15 years and as plans and personal circumstances changed, I had to shift to managing businesses for the family.

I enjoyed writing, even though I wouldn’t say I was any good at it. But since I was writing about food, which I liked, the job became a dream-come-true.

Fast forward to 2023 and out of nowhere, Tribune Lifestyle’s Vangie Baga-Reyes suggested I try contributing for her husband’s golf section.

Vangie and I knew each other from our food publication days.

She knew I liked playing golf and might be interested in shifting from food to another topic close to my heart. Not one to say no before giving things a try, I said “sure!”

It was a fairly quick couple of weeks between Vangie breaching the idea, to meeting my then soon-to-be editors, Marc Reyes and Julius Manicad.

Of course, what better way to do a “meet and greet” than spending a few hours playing a round of golf.

Marc and Julius couldn’t have been more welcoming and just like that, I was unofficially writing again for a new publication.

Writing about golf is both exciting and daunting. While my head is always filled with golf-related things, expounding on those thoughts and sharing them with others is another thing altogether.

Would anyone care about what I had to say? Are the topics on my column interesting for others? These are questions I ask myself weekly, every time I think of what to write about.

But thanks to the trust my editors gave, and the opportunity Mr. Willie Fernandez of Tribune has given, it’s now been over six months of weekly articles and I am still enjoying writing about golf. From major championship forecasts, to equipment reviews, to food served in golf clubs, writing about golf, like food is another dream-come-true for me.

On the occasion of Daily Tribune’s 24th anniversary, I would like to congratulate Mr. Fernandez and the whole Daily Tribune team.

In an age where digital dominates our lives, print media serves as a beacon.

Here’s to 24 more years. Cheers!