Daily Tribune ‘s latest Asian Innovation Forum brought its team and private sector partners to San Pedro, Laguna.
Daily Tribune ‘s latest Asian Innovation Forum brought its team and private sector partners to San Pedro, Laguna. PHOTOGRAPH BY KING RODRIGUEZ FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE

From Omnimedia, DT evolves into Smart Media

Chito Lozada

Adapt and innovate are two words that serve as the driving force catapulting Daily Tribune into one of the serious contenders for the pole position in the media industry.

“Technology powered by people: embracing disruptors” has encapsulated the journey of the 24-year-old organization which emerged stronger from the Covid-19 pandemic.

By refusing to bow to the global plague, Daily Tribune was among the few, if not the only outfit, media or otherwise, to persist during the most difficult time when practically the entire nation was on lockdown.

It was during this period of uncertainty that the news outfit, which by then had strengthened its digital presence, reaped much recognition from different independent organizations.

It was handed the prestigious Rotary Club of Manila (RCM) Pro Patria Award as Outstanding Newspaper of the Year in 2021 and 2023, after first bagging the award in 2017.

According to the RCM awards committee, Daily Tribune was recognized for its exposés of anomalies and irregularities both in the public and private domains, while keeping true to its mantra, “Without Fear, Without Favor.”

“The Daily Tribune was chosen for investigating and reporting fairly and truthfully to enable citizens to be vigilant and participatory in forming collective censure and judgment to influence responsible acts and shape the national discipline,” the citation read.

Online programs mainly using social media platforms extended Daily Tribune’s reach to deliver credible news and help the public sort the facts from gossip and fake news.

The awards collected by Daily Tribune attested to the success of its endeavor to maintain its credibility as an organization.

The broadsheet and its parent company, Concept and Information Group Inc., were also the recipients of three awards — Bida sa Pagbabalita, Bida sa Paglalathala, and Agap-Balita — at the Gawad Pag-IBIG Para sa Media on 6 December 2023.

The Gawad Yamang Isip Award, a prestigious award for innovation, creativity, and intellectual property, was also bestowed by the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines in April 2024.

In 2018, the Tribune bagged the Most Innovative Broadsheet for 2018 given by the International Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines during the group’s Global Excellence Award presentation.

The accomplishments further propelled the organization to strive for more, which allowed it to metamorphose into a media concern with a heart.

The Daily Tribune launched the Asian Innovation Forum (AIF) which is held regularly to bring together government, private firms, small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs under one roof to be matched for the improvement of the livelihood of Filipinos.

More than news dissemination

The pioneering program elevates community assistance from mere doleouts to encouraging ordinary Filipinos to be a productive part of the economy through entrepreneurship.

Thus, Daily Tribune has embarked on the innovative stage when it extends its role in society from news dissemination to being an involved partner in improving lives.

More than the awards, Daily Tribune has found satisfaction in the gratitude of those who have benefited from the tireless efforts of its staff who visit communities to bring the AIF.

The head of a Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or 4Ps association, representing the most impoverished families, expressed appreciation for the AIF which bridges micro and small businesses with financial institutions.

“This kind of program can help 4Ps members get additional funding for businesses,” Dana Pineda, president of Samahan ng Nagkakaisang Pamilyang Pantawid-Muntinlupa Chapter, said.

The association has 3,000 members who seek a chance to upgrade their lives apart from receiving assistance from the government.

Dinah Ventura, DAILY TRIBUNE’s managing editor, provides enlightenment to participants on the benefits of attending the AIF.

“4Ps beneficiaries are not permanent and will eventually graduate from the program, especially now that there is a delisting process. I don’t know how to help my fellow 4Ps which is why I am so thankful that DAILY TRIBUNE has this program for giving us a chance to talk to the right people. This is a big help to us,” Pineda said.

Daily Tribune will continue to evolve to adapt to the situations created by various heavy challenges that Filipinos face.

As it transforms, the public benefits from being provided with undiluted news while they receive assistance to be able to respond to the threats to a comfortable life.