Worskhop speakers.

Self - publishing workshop tackles turning book ideas into reality


How do you turn your dream book into reality? This is a question aspiring writers, authors and creatives tackled in a Self-Publishing 101 workshop at the SM Aura Book Nook of the mall SM Aura Premiere in Taguig City on 22 May.

An ongoing book club series, The Write Side of Bookshelf by Bookshelf PH, highlights the riveting world of publishing by featuring Filipino authors and hosting book club sessions. Now on its fourth session, the publishing house immerses readers, writers and bibliophiles into self-publishing. From knowing what book to write to owning the story, Bookshelf PH emphasized the importance of understanding one’s audience and the discipline to meet self-imposed deadlines. Divided into four mini sessions, the workshop also provided a step-by-step roadmap, showing the journey from manuscript to published book.

Organizers and attendees of the workshop.

Demand for self-publishing

“If you want to write a book, the first thing you think about is what your book is going to be about,” Monette Quiogue, co-founder of Bookshelf PH, said. “But you also need to determine who your audience is.”

The average person consumes about 34 gigabytes of information a day. The Philippines being the “social media capital of the world,” these “byte-sized” content is mostly consumed through online platforms in the country.

Yet, the demand for printed books still exists and evidently, there is a gap when it comes to producing localized content. A quick trip to the local bookstore would tell you the prevalence of Western books and the lack of a Filipino counterpart.

“People connect to books in a much more intimate way than any form of content,” Quiogue added.

She even noted that there is a spike on the number of self-publishing inquiries Bookshelf PH has gotten since its launch during the pandemic. Such a spike is a tell-tale sign that more Filipinos aspire to be self-published and that books remain a source for credible information amidst the oversaturation of content and disinformation.

“You need to give a deadline for the first draft of your book,” Porsha Mangilit, managing editor and marketing manager, explained. “But you also need to celebrate your small wins like finishing a chapter, because this is a long journey that could stretch for weeks or months.”

When it comes to writer’s block, Mangilit added how important it is to step away from your work as a writer and find people who are willing to give constructive feedback. “You’re not just writing for yourself. You’re also writing for an audience who’s willing to pay to read your content.”

Book donations to the Book Nook.

Owning your story

Self-publishing means you own your story. Such power comes with responsibility, as you are not just an author, you are also the entrepreneur behind selling your book. This comes with a few challenges, as writing is not the only task you will be doing. From laying out the book, finding the perfect cover, to copyediting and printing, engaging with publishers like Bookshelf PH can help would-be authors outsource these to a strong team who has the literary bent and creative eye to turn your book into a reality.

“Traditional publishers own your book and give you a share of the profit,” marketing manager Nicole Borromeo said. “But with self-publishing, you own your book, you decide who gets a share, and how much they’re going to get.”

Finding your audience and selling your book is the final step. “When it comes to selling your book, we have online and offline channels. Maximize your third-party marketplaces and social media platforms, but also combine it with offline channels like speaking engagements, exhibits, and partnerships where you’re more visible and in touch with your target audience,” marketing manager Michelle Dulinayan explained.

After the mini writing activities and question-and-answer session, Bookshelf PH organized a giveaway, distributing a selection of titles. The publishing house also made a heartwarming book donation to the SM Aura Book Nook, represented by Margarita Catalan, assistant vice president of Marketing Operations. This generous contribution enriches the offerings at the community library and learning hub located on Level 3 of SM Aura. Book Nook is a vibrant space where readers of all ages can enjoy a wide range of books, now including the latest selections from Bookshelf PH, all available for free reading.

For those eager to embark on their literary journey, stay tuned to Bookshelf PH’s website and social media for updates on upcoming workshops and creative book club sessions.

Bookshelf PH is an online marketplace, publisher, and printer dedicated to promoting and printing books in non-fiction and fiction written by Filipino authors. Through workshops, publishing services, and community engagement, Bookshelf PH aims to make the journey of self-publishing accessible and enjoyable for all aspiring authors.