(FILE PHOTO) Photo from DSWD

DSWD teams up with pharma firm for volunteer program

Gabriela Baron

A pharmaceutical company and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) have teamed up for a volunteer program aimed to help disadvantaged and vulnerable sectors in the country.

“As a company that strives to make an impact on the communities we serve, we are proud to partner with DSWD [National Capital Region-Field Office] (NCR-FO) in fostering the spirit of volunteerism among our employees,” head of Sanofi Vaccines Philippines and Indonesia Kashmira Prabhu said.

“We are calling this CSR program #LifeCourseImpact, because Sanofi Vaccines and DSWD share the same commitment to value every life,” Prabhu added.

Kicking off the partnership, Sanofi handed over employee donations of clothes, toys and school supplies during the partnership signing, which DSWD will distribute among the facilities and residential centers under its care. 

“Since the birth of DSWD, it has always followed the Do-No-Harm principle, envisioning that all Filipinos are free from hunger and poverty and have equal access to opportunities,” Assistant Regional Director for Operations at DSWD NCR-FO Bienvenido Jr. V. Barbosa said.

“With this partnership in helping our residents in our various centers and residential care facilities, we can help rebuild the social functioning of the vulnerable and marginalized Filipinos,” Barbosa added.