Balm for the balding


What happens when the fight against hair loss gets tough? You go for the tougher solution. That’s where the latest breakthrough in hair loss treatments in the Philippines comes in: Svenson’s new NexoHair. 

Harnessing the potent benefits of exosomes, Svenson’s latest offering NexoHair delivers faster results, improved hair density, and more hair coverage. Specifically designed to be optimized for hair growth, exosomes signal hair cells to reactivate dormant hair follicles while also promoting the growth of new hair follicles for fuller, thicker, healthier hair.

Through an exclusive partnership, NexoHair uses E50-H exosomes, which are derived from marine sources.

Exosomes are naturally produced by the cells and play a key role in cell-to-cell communication. With their potent regenerative functions, they signal cells to facilitate certain processes to repair, strengthen and rejuvenate.

According to Mike Lee, CEO of PrimaCure, “Exosomes are vesicles containing growth factors, genetic material and lipids. That vesicle not only protects those growth factors and genetic material inside, it also facilitates delivery. The outer wall of an exosome, the membrane, is the same biochemical structure as our human cells. So, in comparison to traditional modalities, I would say you can achieve faster, more standardized results.”

Lee: “What makes exosome therapy exciting for hair is the fact that it can stimulate hair stem cells to form new hair follicles. Platelet-rich plasma for hair loss can make your existing hair follicles grow healthy, thicker hair, or activate dormant hair follicles. Exosomes not only do that, but on top of that, will stimulate hair stem cells that are residing right under your scalp to migrate and plug up with your endothelial cells and become new hair follicles where new hair will grow. That’s why you see more explosive results in a shortened period of time.”

This next-level solution does not require next-level effort. It is virtually pain-free and requires no downtime.

Lee: “It is convenient. No blood drawing necessary. It is administered using microneedling, where you’ll basically feel the same sensation as you just tapping your scalp with your nails.”