Philippine National Police (PNP) Building

PNP removes police security for VIPs

Lade Jean Kabagani

The Philippine National Police (PNP) removed police security for "very important persons" or VIPs with its new policy. 

This was assured by PNP chief Francisco Marbil, in a radio interview on Thursday, noting that he pushed for policy adjustment when he assumed leadership in the police organization.

Marbil said he ordered the review of the Police Security and Protection Group (PSPG) after it appeared that some cops were moonlighting some political personnel. 

"When I started as Chief PNP, we changed the terms on giving services because it appears they are moonlighting," he said. 

He emphasized that the PSPG must only provide service to individuals facing actual threats and not "perceived threats."

"What is stated there, is VIP and it is not the job of the police to give VIP protection to anybody. That's not our job. Our job is to give security to people who are threatened for their lives," he further stressed. 

Marbil noted the PNP cannot provide police security to wealthy individuals who perceive that it makes them a target of violence because of their financial status.

"I'm not happy about it because last time I went to a hotel, this Chinese guy had security, but I didn't. They were wearing a PSPG t-shirt. How can we do this? Worse, they were just carrying his bag," he noted. 

The PNP guidelines governing the detail of PNP uniformed personnel as protective security allow deployment of cops to serve high-ranking government officials such as the President, Vice President, Senate President, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Defense chief, and Secretary of the Interior and Local Government. 

The guidelines stated that the threats must be assessed and validated should an individual ask for protective security.