Reforming and revitalizing multilateralism

Antonio Guterres

We need to reform and revitalize multilateralism so that it reflects the realities of today, and is fit to face the challenges ahead. The report I presented on Our Common Agenda sets out the vision for a more inclusive, networked and effective multilateralism. A multilateralism where the contribution of civil society are recognized as central — not a token or an afterthought. And this ambition reflects the vital role you play.

I believe it is crucial to establish dialogue between political decision-makers and civil society within all our international institutions. And this is key to rebuilding trust and restoring legitimacy; and to ensuring international decisions are shaped by the concerns, the values and the experiences of people across the globe.

The Summit of the Future is a key moment to drive forward our vision for a renewed multilateralism. On the road to the Summit, we are striving to fully engage civil society. And the Summit itself aims to push progress on key issues. And strengthen and update multilateralism — so that we can manage both the risks and opportunities ahead, for the good of all humanity:

Turbocharging the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals;

Unlocking finance for climate action and development;

And driving progress towards deep reform of the international financial architecture — so that it corresponds to the realities of today’s economy.

Together, we must create a new Emergency Platform — so we can collaborate as soon as crises hit; renew governance of outer space — to reduce risks, and reap benefits; embed young people at the heart of decision-making in multilateralism; and agree on ways to consider the interests of future generations in today’s decisions.

We must close digital divides, and move towards new governance structures for new technologies — harnessing artificial intelligence as a force for good for all humanity. Not just for the rich.

And we must revitalize our collective approach to peace and security with a New Agenda for Peace. That means prioritizing prevention and changing our approach.

Recognizing that conflicts do not spring from nowhere and embracing an expansive model — one that encompasses human rights, gender, sustainable development, and the links between climate and security.

That is the true prevention, not just simply talking to some politicians to see if they don’t start a war.

Priorities are now backwards — with record levels of spending for arms, and budget cuts for social sectors, for people. We need to reposition disarmament at the center of the international agenda and act urgently to create a world free from nuclear weapons. 

And we need to tackle the sinister danger of lethal autonomous weapons — outlawing arms capable of taking human life without any human control and no accountability.

Across all of these areas, human rights and gender equality are critical. And so is the contribution of the civil society.

When we see the heartbreaking record number of civilians killed in Gaza with our appeals for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, the release of all hostages and unimpeded humanitarian access falling on deaf ears.

When we see a civil war ravaging in Sudan with two leaders that do not seem to care about the tremendous suffering of their own people.

When we see conflict unabated in the Sahel, the Great Lakes, and the Horn of Africa, we understand that something is fundamentally wrong in the present world order as if the Charter of the United Nations, international law, international humanitarian law, human rights and basic human decency no longer matter. We won’t give up in our struggle to change this situation to push for peace, justice and human rights, and I know that you won’t give up either.

My best hope for the future is you. We need to be informed by your frontline know-how.

We need your can-do attitude to overcome obstacles and find innovative solutions. And we need you to use your networks, knowledge and contacts to implement solutions, and to persuade governments to act.

Your contributions have been indispensable — and I thank you. And your new ImPact Coalitions promise a new era of engagement. These models of collaboration span ages, regions and sectors. And focus civil society’s energy and expertise for maximum impact on the challenges we face.

I invite you to bring with you this spirit to the Action Days we are holding as the Summit of the Future will begin. And I ask you to engage your national governments — using your channels and networks to demand ambitious commitments at the Summit, not business as usual.

The Summit of the Future is a chance to push progress on the issues that matter to you — and to us. A chance that cannot be missed.

Our fight is one fight: Creating a better world and a brighter future for all. Together let’s seize this chance, and make the Summit of the Future really count.

(Excerpts of the United Nations Secretary-General’s remarks to the United Nations Civil Society Conference in support of the Summit of the Future on 10 May 2024.)