Photo from PNA
Photo from PNA

Pertussis cases in Phl now at 862

Gabriela Baron

The Department of Health (DOH) has recorded 862 cases of pertussis (whooping cough) in the country as of 23 March, 30 times higher than of the same period in 2023.

The DOH has also recorded 49 deaths so far.

This sharp rise is also being seen in other countries such as the United Kingdom in Europe, where 553 cases were recorded in England for January 2024 alone, it noted.

The five Philippine regions reporting the most number of cases are Mimaropa (187), Metro Manila (158), Central Luzon (132), Central Visayas (121), and Western Visayas (72).

Of the total pertussis cases thus far recorded, 79 percent were less than five years old. At least six out of ten (66 percent) of these young children were either unvaccinated or did not know their vaccination history. Adults aged 20 and older account for only four percent of cases.

The DOH, however, noted that trends may still change as the number of cases may rise due to late consultations and reports.

Furthermore, the effects of increasing immunization efforts to stem the outbreak may not be seen in the data until four to six weeks after they are started.

“Time is of the essence. Our DOH Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Units (RESUs) are in constant coordination with provincial, city, and municipal health offices to provide scientific advice," DOH Secretary Ted Herbosa said.

"We are helping LGUs move to break transmission and protect children. Vaccines are available, and more have been ordered,” Herbosa added.

Pertussis starts as a mild cough and cold that lasts about two weeks, followed by paroxysms or fits of coughing which lasts up to six weeks.


According to DOH, there is a characteristic “whooping” or high-pitched sound (“huni”) in between coughs, especially when inhaling. There can also be vomiting immediately after coughing, and low-grade fever. Infants may not present with a cough; instead, they may turn cyanotic or bluish when coughing.

Compared to cough found in other diseases, the distinct “whoop” or high-pitched sound of pertussis is unique.

Bronchial asthma may also have a similar sound, but only during asthma attacks and often without fever or other symptoms.

Pertussis is caused by bacteria – either Bordetella pertussis, or Bordetella parapertussis. Antibiotics are available and effective against them. A doctor will prescribe a course of treatment that should start as early as possible.

Depending on the antibiotic used and the age and condition of the patient, treatment may run from four to 14 days.

The DOH is advising the public to avoid self-medicating, consult a doctor, use antibiotics only as described, and complete the number of days.


Pertussis is a respiratory disease. It is transmitted from person to person through coughing or sneezing.

However, this transmission may be prevented by good respiratory hygiene: cover coughs and sneezing – do so with disposable tissues/wipes, or the elbow or upper arm (not hands).

The DOH is also urging the public to wash hands often, or use alcohol if soap and water are not readily available.

Since children may not be able to use face masks consistently, adults are highly encouraged to help protect them by wearing face masks properly, especially in areas with poor ventilation or crowded conditions.

The DOH also reiterated that vaccination remains safe and effective against pertussis.

Pentavalent vaccines include protection against “DPT” (Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus), in addition to Hepatitis B and Hemophilus influenza type B.

Infants as young as six weeks may already be given this vaccine for free at government health centers. Children from one to six years old may get a booster dose.

Older children, as well as adults, are advised to consult a doctor or health center for advice on the appropriate vaccine. Pregnant women may ask about the “Tdap” vaccine, which allows for protection of their soon-to-be-born babies against pertussis.