3 faces jail time for manufacturing fake money

Pat C. Santos

The Manila Trial court had meted prison term against three men arrested by Manila Police District during a raid in an apartment in Sampaloc, Manila manufacturing fake Philippine pesos on 29 December 2020.

The suspects were identified as Paolo G. Cabrera, Francis E. Tuwalya and Datu Harun A. Mangundatu was arrested during a raid by elements of MPD led by P/Lt. Col Rosalino Ibay Jr.

The raiding was armed with search warrant when they stormed the apartment where evidences such as a newly printed P1,000 peso bill, still uncut, and assorted fake noney in different denominations were retrieved.

RTC Branch 3 Judge Jimmy Santiago penned the decision stated after an almost three years of court hearings from the prosecution and defense.

“All foregoing considered, accused Paolo Cabrera y Guevarra, Francis Tuwlya y Escote and Datu Harun Mangundatu y Abdul Cader are found Guilty, beyond reasonable doubts of violation of Article 166, Revised Penal Code as amended. The three accused are therefore sentenced to an indeterminate penalty of eleven (11) years, and four (4) months of Prison Mayor as minimum period of imprisonment to thirteen years (13), nine (9) months and ten (10) days or Reclusion Temporal in its maximun period of imprisonment and to pay the fine of Php 100,000.00 pesos each” the order stated.