Health Secretary Ted Herbosa 

DoH, CCC partner to address climate change

Gabriela Baron

The Department of Health will strengthen its partnership with the Climate Change Commission to address climate change and health woes in the country.

DoH Secretary Ted Herbosa expressed commitment to incorporating climate considerations into its strategies, creating a more holistic approach to healthcare that addresses evolving challenges from a changing climate.
“The DoH is taking significant steps towards a sustainable and resilient healthcare system,” Herbosa said.

“Our plans include constructing environmentally friendly hospitals, incorporating climate change adaptation into our disaster risk reduction initiatives,” he added.
Herbosa noted that the DoH is “actively reforming to prioritize Universal Health Care and primary care.”

Meanwhile, CCC executive director Robert EA Borje emphasized the need for a proactive and adaptive healthcare system, and highlighted the urgency of integrating climate considerations into health policies and practices.

He stressed the importance of both the health and climate change agenda as well as lessons drawn from the global Covid-19 pandemic.

“The nexus between climate change and health is not just a choice; it’s an imperative,” Borje said.

“Our experiences have shown us that our well-being is intricately linked to the health of our planet. Recognizing this connection is key to building a resilient and sustainable future for all,” he added.
Possible areas of collaboration include formulation of climate-health policies and campaigns, as well as increase of public awareness activities.

To date, the CCC is working on its National Adaptation Plan, with health included among the focus sectors for climate resilience.