SG Guevarra downplays Trillanes statement about ICC probe

Alvin Murcia

Solicitor General Menardo Guevarra yesterday downplayed the statement issued by former Senator Antonio Trillanes IV that investigators from the International Criminal Court were able to gather enough evidence against former President Rodrigo Duterte when they entered the country in December.

“As to former Senator Trillanes statements, let him believe what he wants to believe,” said Guevarra when asked to comment on the claim of the former senator.

Trillanes said on Sunday that a warrant of arrest may be issued “very, very soon” and based on his information, the ICC investigators have done what they needed to do in their initial investigation inside the country as far as the principal accused are concerned.

The same information was given by the former legislator citing what he called “inside information.”

“If they will come back, this will be for the purpose of obtaining enough evidence for the secondary level of accused or respondents,” Trillanes added.

In a text message, Guevarra said, “The Philippines has disengaged completely from the ICC. As the president has repeatedly declared, the ICC has lost jurisdiction and any continuing investigation by the ICC is a threat to the country's sovereignty,” Guevarra said.

The Solgen said, “the Philippine government will therefore not lend any assistance to the ICC investigation, much less in the enforcement in Philippine territory of any processes issued by the ICC. I repeat my admonition to all those who have legitimate complaints about any abuses committed during the war on drugs: our own national institutions are ready to investigate and prosecute all those who have violated the law.”