DA chief shuffles undersecretaries to enhance operations

Jing Villamente

With the retirement of Senior Undersecretary Domingo Panganiban last 31 December 2023, Agriculture Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel Jr. initiated slight changes in the leadership of the Department of Agriculture, to efficiently carry out President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.'s marching orders to modernize the farm sector and ensure the country's food security.

DA Assistant Secretary Arnel de Mesa who was designated as full-time spokesman of the department in a radio program interview at DZBB said Agriculture Chief Secretary Jose Tiu Laurel issued earlier this week a series of special orders reassigning certain key DA officials to better harness their talents and vast experience, as he noted policy changes will follow towards responses and implementations of programs.

De Mesa said Undersecretary Leocadio Sebastian was named a member of the Secretary's Technical Advisory Group to leverage his deep understanding of the farm sector, particularly rice production.

In February last year, Sebastian was appointed undersecretary for the Rice Industry Development Program, which also allowed him to represent President Marcos Jr., who then concurrently held the agriculture portfolio, in functions such as heading the steering committee of the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund Program; sitting in the board of the Philippine Rice Research Institute; participating in the National Food Authority Council; and acting as trustee in the boards of the National Irrigation Administration and the International Rice Research Institute.

De Mesa said Sebastian will have to give up those multiple roles following his appointment as adviser to Secretary Tiu Laurel Jr.

In his stead, director U. Nichols Manalo was named director of the national rice program, a position that he will hold concurrent to his position as director IV officer-in-charge-director of field operations service, and director of the national corn program.

On the other hand, OIC-Undersecretary for Operations Roger Navarro, an engineer by training, will also act as OIC-Undersectary for Rice Industry Development, OIC-national project director of the Philippine Rural Development Project, and OIC-Assistant Secretary for Operations.

Undersecretary for Fisheries Drusila Esther Bayate was named Undersecretary for Policy, Planning, and Regulations in a concurrent capacity.

Undersecretary Mercedita Sombilla was assigned to oversee operations and coordinate programs of the DA Bureaus.

Chief Administrative Officer and OIC director for financial and management service Thelma Tolentino was appointed in her current capacity as Undersecretary-designate for Finance.

Undersecretary Agnes Catherine Miranda was tasked to supervise, oversee operations, and coordinate programs of DA Attached Agencies and Corporations.

Secretary Tiu Laurel Jr. also created a team that will address concerns, and requests and facilitate submissions of the DA to the Office of the President-Presidential Management Staff.

According to De Mesa, this should not be treated as a big issue and nothing is controversial, as further changes in the DA leadership are likely given the temporary nature of certain appointments and the additional workload placed on the shoulders of certain officials.