Open letter to CPP-NPA-NDF (1)

Reni M. Valenzuela

You don't go to a negotiating table with your sight just on what you want to happen — all for your own consumption and dogged whim, principle, or interest, discounting and disregarding the other side's points of view and welfare just to maximize what you can exploit and get (selfishly for yourself) out of the concession/settlement talk.

That is a word of advice for both parties involved in any negotiation to iron out an intricately difficult problem. But to the National Democratic Front and Communist Party of the Philippines — New People's Army in the country, here's my two cents worth for you, vis-a-vis the existing peace talks offer of the Marcos Jr. government:

You are being given another chance at life, a life of peaceful and normal existence in an open world — free from both the dangers of being killed and killing your fellowmen and from every dissipation, depravity, misery, and barbarity that goes with living in the underworld. Come to your senses and come out in the open. Drop your whacky, senseless, hopeless thinking of overthrowing the government, for it is neither good nor possible.

Take the "peace talks" overture of the BBM administration as a grace coming from God Almighty. That's the way to view it. Yes, there is a God, and He's the great Creator God — the God of justice, equality, mercy, compassion, vindication, blessing and progress, and other long-yearned dreams/wishes of humankind for himself and society, together with the imperative ideals and virtues of life that are no different from your touted beliefs and advocacies, nothing alienated from what you've been fighting and dying for in the service of your country and fellow citizens.

But live for life, not death.

Ponder this: You are actually on the same page with the government as far as goals, desires, and aspirations for our people and nation are concerned. There is nothing to rebel about, nothing indeed, despite the flaws or imperfections of systems and the frailties and lowness of the nation's leaders (and the military). Have pity on the victims, both on your own ranks and those on the opposite, not to mention the countless, innocent so-called "collateral damage." Despicable. Loathsome. Demoniac.

What is good about rebellion? Nothing. The Bible is against it under whatever circumstance because rebellion, in any form, size, and shape, is plain, simple, and pure selfishness and mindlessness — as opposed and in contrast to any rebel's professed love for others and trumpeted legitimacy of their cause.  1 Samuel 15:23, Proverbs 17:11.  There is always a better way, and it is always the right way.  "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."  — Proverbs 16:25.                               

(To be continued)
