DA eyes digitalized inputs procurement

Jing Villamente

The Department of Agriculture is seeking to pilot the digitalization of the procurement and distribution systems to farmers of inputs during dry-season planting to reduce the usual delays in distribution of seeds, fertilizers and other farm inputs that affect the productivity targets of farm clusters.

In a statement Tuesday, the DA said that procurement and distribution of seeds and fertilizers used to take 90 days to complete but with the digitalization of the system, clustered farmers would now enjoy nearly real-time payouts through the proposed cashless transaction.

It added that each of the 15 regional field offices of the agency where this digital system would be introduced would identify a municipality where merchants would sell their goods to clustered farmers using Intervention Monitoring Cards held by farmers for their purchases.

According to DA Rice Industry Development Undersecretary Leocadio Sebastian, the IMC cards function just like an ATM or e-wallet, where money can be issued for every transaction.

"The idea is to remove the traditional bulk procurement by DA field offices of the fertilizers and seeds, which they distribute to rice farmers," Sebastian said.