Bangsamoro Municipality Passes A Landmark Ordinance On LGBTQIA+ Community

Rhadem Musawah

Panglima Sugala, Tawi-Tawi, Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao – In a significant stride towards ensuring equal rights and protection for the LGBTQIA+ community, the Municipal Council of Panglima Sugala has passed a comprehensive anti-discrimination ordinance no. 001. This landmark decision comes after a series of campaigns, highlighting the pressing need for safeguarding the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community in the Bangsamoro region, amidst increasing acts of violence and discrimination.

HUMAN RIGHTS Caravan headed by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Philippines, along with Google, Commission on Human Rights and implemented by Mujer LGBT+ Organisation.

The urgency to address the plight of the LGBTQIA+ community was also recognized by the Bangsamoro Parliament through resolutions 524 and 526 in 2021, which called for a thorough investigation into instances of violence against individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Emphasizing the significance of these resolutions, they are expected to contribute towards protecting LGBTQIA+ individuals from illegal acts, while preventing discrimination, harassment, and inhumane treatment.

Human Rights Training/Workshop lead by Mujer LGBT+ Organisation.

Bangsamoro Region has been marked by a series of reported cases of LGBTQIA+ members being subjected to harassment, physical attacks, and even murder in recent years. The passage of this ordinance is seen as a crucial step towards curbing these acts of violence and promoting tolerance, acceptance, and equality within the community.
The passage of the ordinance was spearheaded by Panglima Sugala Vice Mayor Dayang Iman Sahali, with support from the Mujer LGBT+ Organization, the Commission on Human Rights, and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany through their Human Rights Caravan program. The collaborative efforts of these organizations and individuals have been instrumental in ensuring the successful enactment of this legislation along with the members of the Municipal legislative council.

This landmark passage was welcomed by the Executive Director of Mujer LGBT+ Organisation Alvin "Toni Gee" Fernandez, saying "Our organization is overwhelmed with emotion upon hearing the news of the passage of the landmark law. For years, we have dedicated ourselves tirelessly to create a safe and inclusive space for the Moro LGBTQIA+ community in Bangsamoro. The importance of anti-discrimination ordinances has never been more crucial than now. We firmly believe that these measures serve as a beacon of hope, guiding us towards a future where every Moro individual is valued, respected, and given the opportunity to thrive. This achievement is a testament to the resilience and determination of our community, and we will continue our unwavering commitment to championing equality and justice for all in Bangsamoro."

Panglima Sugala Municipal Government Officials with Mujer LGBT+ Organisation

What makes this achievement particularly noteworthy is the lack of a national anti-discrimination law in the Philippines, which has remained unresolved in the Congress for the past 24 years. This void has left LGBTQIA+ communities reliant on local legislation for protection and deprived them of their basic human rights for decades. The passage of this ordinance is a strong message that local communities are determined to initiate change and create an inclusive and safe environment for all.

Panglima Sugala Municipality – Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Ordinance No. 001

Under the newly enacted anti-discrimination ordinance, the LGBTQIA+ community in Panglima Sugala will be afforded vital protection against all forms of discrimination, including denial of access to public services, education, employment, and healthcare due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. The ordinance also empowers victims of discrimination to seek legal redress by providing a clear avenue to file complaints and ensuring the enforcement of penalties against offenders.

"Whether people agree with it or not, it is a fact that people with different SOGIEs are humans as well. They deserve protection along with every Filipino in the Philippines. The passage of this ordinance is sending a message of inclusivity and acceptance to my colleagues in the Bangsamoro region. It shows that Panglima Sugala local government recognizes the rights and needs of all sectors of society, including those with varying SOGIEs and those living with HIV. By enacting this ordinance, we hope to set a precedent and inspire other municipalities in the Bangsamoro region to follow suit and implement similar measures to protect the rights of marginalized groups." – Vice Mayor Sahali strongly affirmed.

Panglima Sugala Vice Mayor Dayang Iman Sahali

This historic passage of comprehensive anti-discrimination ordinance No. 001 adds momentum to the ongoing struggle for equal rights in the Bangsamoro region. It is seen as a beacon of hope for the LGBTQIA+ community, setting a precedent for other municipalities and cities in the region to address their own local legislation and embrace inclusivity.
While this ordinance is a positive step forward, advocates and allies of the LGBTQIA+ community continue to push for the timely passage of the national anti-discrimination bill in the Philippines Congress. The hope is that such a law will provide comprehensive protection and recognition of the rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals in the country.
As society progresses towards acknowledging and respecting the diversity of its citizens, the passage of this anti-discrimination ordinance in Panglima Sugala is a commendable milestone in the long journey towards equal rights and acceptance for all, irrespective of sexual orientation and gender identity.