Kalinga gov mediates on warring tribes

Aldwin Quitasol

BAGUIO CITY — The provincial government of Kalinga disclosed on Thursday that Governor James Edduba has met with peace marchers of Mountain Province in a bid to convince the warring tribes of Bekigan of Sadanga, Mountain Province and Butbut of Tinglayan, Kalinga.

Edduba — who chairs the province's Provincial Peace and Order Council — is hopeful that swift resolution to the boundary conflict between the two tribes will be done and expressed optimism after a recent meeting between elders from the two tribes together with government officials in Kalinga.

Both Kalinga and Mountain Province have united to create a dedicated peace task force, which will operate on the ground to mediate and seek concessions from both tribes with the aim of achieving a peaceful resolution.

The task force is expected to play a pivotal role in ending the conflict that emerged earlier this year.

The next meeting is scheduled on 20 October 2023 in Bontoc, Mt. Province, as the two provinces work collaboratively to bring an end to this conflict.