SWS: Filipinos think their quality of life is unchanged from last year

Tiziana Celine Piatos

Most Filipinos believe that the quality of life has not changed in the past year, a result from a non-commissioned survey from private pollster Social Weather Stations (SWS) recently showed.

Survey results from SWS released this week showed that 45 percent of adult Filipinos said their quality of life had stayed the same from a year ago.

SWS also noted that 33 percent of Filipinos had a better quality of life, while 22 percent of the Pinoys said their lives worsened.

The private pollster termed "gainers" as individuals who said they had improved quality of life and "losers "as individuals who said their lives worsened.

The research company reported that the Net Gainer score was +11, considered "very high." This is higher than the March 2023 net gainer score of +5, considered "high."

The SWS said that there were a fair number of Net Gainers in families that were overall hungry (+1), moderately hungry (+4), and seriously hungry (-18). Many Net Gainers in families were not hungry (+13).

Net Gainers also got a +30 score from people who were Not Poor, which is excellent, a +18 score from Borderline Poor, which is "very high," and a -4 score from Poor, which is classified as "fair."

"The Net Gainer score was generally negative until 2015 when it rose to positive numbers until the drastic deterioration beginning with the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns. It has since trended back upwards but has not fully recovered to pre-pandemic levels," the SWS said.

SWS interviewed 1,500 people over 18 from all over the country as part of the poll, from 28 June to 1 July, through face-to-face interviews.

There were 600 people from Balance Luzon and 300 from each of the three regions: Mindanao, the Visayas, and Metro Manila.

Findings from the poll had a sampling error range of ±2.5 percent for the whole country, ±4 percent for Balance Luzon, and ±5.7% for Metro Manila, the Visayas, and Mindanao.