Countless proclamations yet no action – HPFPI President

Gilmore Leaño

Speaking during the Philippine Forum 2023 at the PICC, People's Federation of the Philippines Incorporated National President Maria Theresa Carampatana lamented the seeming inaction to address housing problems.

She claimed that they have yet to see the implementation of several government programs.

"There are so many proclamations that have not been taken care of, so if there is a solution, why not implement it immediately?" Carampatana said.

She added: "If we are slow to come up with solutions and slow to take action, we will not achieve anything."

Carampatana outlined the primary issues and problems of poor citizens who have remained stigmatized due to insecurity of land and housing tenure, irregular jobs, and limited participation in development planning.

Housing programs, she said, are equally important as appropriating funds for education and basic services.

"If housing is not given the same focus as education and basic services, and if that continues, the problem of house deficits will increase," she said.

Carampatana presented priority actions and solutions: People-led Housing and Urban Development, Diversified Housing Modalities and Finance Mechanisms, and Security of Tenure for Urban Poor Communities.

Warlito G. Quirimit, chief of the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development Public Housing and Settlements, said the department has outlined resettlement housing options as a solution to the existing problem.

"Under this framework, we are building resettlement housing options that must be available and affordable to the affected families. Included in this framework it also requires community development,"
Quirimit said.

Quirimit also added that the purpose of the community-based initiative is to promote the participation of the affected families in the urban poor community.

"The community-based initiative approach, which was issued under the Memorandum Circular 2019-714 under this strategy is designed to build on community initiative and promote the participation of the affected families through their community associations in relation to the resettlement decision-making process. The community association participates in the project planning and in the implementation, particularly in the choice of permanent housing in resettlement projects, through financing in the selected sites and other commitments to participate in the project implementation process," He said.

The 4PH program, a centerpiece of the Marcos Administration, calls for the development of one million housing units annually until 2028 to address the housing needs and backlogs, while also improving target beneficiaries' affordability by lowering the affected families' monthly amortization and facilitating access to both end-user financing and developmental loans.

The Philippine Urban Forum 2023 tackled issues fostering meaningful dialogues, exchanging ideas from urban experts, promoting innovations and best practices, and finding solutions to the complex challenges that urban centers face.