Trust SC initiatives for enhanced judicial system — Gesmundo

Pedring Labrador

Supreme Court Chief Justice Alexander Gesmundo has urged the public — particularly government security officials, business leaders and other stakeholders — to place their trust in the high court and support its initiatives aimed at enhancing the judicial system.

The Chief Justice also called on everyone to support the Strategic Plan for Judicial Innovations 2022-2027.

"Beyond being a mere wish list or a dream, it is a commitment, and we will spare no effort to make it a reality. By improving our efficiency, continuing to innovate, and taking these measures to ensure accessibility for all, the Judiciary will better realize its duty of dispensing justice and safeguarding human and constitutional rights," Gesmundo said.

Since April 2021 when he was appointed as the chief magistrate, Gesmundo acknowledged the challenges faced during the strict lockdowns and emphasized the court's adoption of technology to keep justice flowing. He mentioned the promotion of videoconferencing for court proceedings.

In October 2022, the SC launched the SPJI, a blueprint designed to demonstrate the SC's unwavering commitment to providing timely and responsive justice.