Cardinal Müller, Mediatrix suppressor

Bernie V. Lopez

Gerhard Ludwig Cardinal Müller was the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the powerful Vatican office that declared that the Mediatrix apparition was of "no supernatural origin" back in 2015.

The CDF under Müller either ignored or was not aware of the healing of the sick from rose petals and novenas attributed to Our Lady Mediatrix of All Grace. Watch these two testimonials — Volume 1-; Volume 2 –

The CDF was in a hurry to pre-judge the Virgin's apparition as non-authentic for some strange reason, which baffles Filipino Marian devotees to this day. Instead of ordering an investigation, they burned the rose petals, the very evidence needed for their investigation. The miraculous rose petals were hard evidence of the apparition.

Müller, born in Mainz, Germany, was the protégé of Benedict XVI, the Conservative Pope who ironically helped install the first Liberal Pope, Francis, a first in centuries. Benedict was helpless in trying to control the powerful Conservatives in the Curia, the reason for his resignation, and for choosing an "arch-enemy" Liberal to contain the power of the Conservatives.

Müller, who idolized Benedict, was his ghostwriter, publishing Opera Omnia, a compilation of Benedict's lifetime of writings. His reward was his appointment as Prefect of the CDF from July 2012 to July 2015.

It was during this period, in 2015, that the CDF came up with the infamous decree stating "with finality" that the Mediatrix apparition was a fake, based on the original 1948 decree of Pope Pius XII.

However, that Papal decree was rendered invalid and non-existent because it was never registered in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, a requirement for a decree to be binding, according to Canon Law.

The CDF under Müller ordered a systematic suppression of the Mediatrix, forcing the entire Philippine Clergy into silence, placing several Lipa Bishops in exile or forced to resign, burning all evidence of the rose petals and novena pamphlets that had healed many devotees, to the diary of the visionary, the late Sr. Teresing. This protracted suppression lasted 70 long years, up to this day, based on a non-existent 1948 Papal decree.

In his controversial publication, Protocol 226/1949, Müller blamed Lipa Archbishop Ramon Arguelles and Bishop Mariano Gaviola and stated that it was no longer "open to discussion."

Arguelles and Gaviola unilaterally revived the Mediatrix devotion, when the CDF failed to present the final Vatican word on the status of the evidence from the 1948 papal decree. They had the right to do this under Canon Law, in the absence of a CDF statement. Mediatrix devotees want Pope Francis to retract the Protocol.

Müller, the Anti-Pope Cardinal

Becoming extremely vocal in his criticism of Pope Francis, Müller was ejected from the CDF. Pope Francis gave no reason. Müller arrogantly said his ejection was "unacceptable," but he had no choice.

Müller openly criticized Pope Francis's encyclical Amoris Laetitia on the issue of Holy Communion being allowed for divorced couples, and other issues.

There was a racist undertone in Müller's criticisms, berating "Latin American theology in general, for lacking theological rigor," virtually pontificating to the Pontiff. He also berated Pope Francis for being "more pastoral" when the CDF mission was "to provide a theological structure of a pontificate." He saw himself as the alter ego of Benedict, the great theologian.

The Diocese of Regensburg criticized Müller for mishandling sexual abuse cases involving bishops and priests. Finally, Andrea Tornielli of the Vatican Insider criticized Müller "for inventing a new role not found in the statutes defining the CDF's role" (Source — Müller on Wikipedia).

On 1 July 2017, Pope Francis appointed Luis Cardinal Ladaria Ferrer the new CDF Prefect. Mediatrix devotees hailed the move, praying that Ladaria would be pro-Mediatrix or at least less anti-Mediatrix than Müller. They may be disappointed because the CDF recently ordered a ban on celebrations on the 75th Anniversary of the Mediatrix Apparition in all churches in the diocese of Lipa.

In truth, the apparition is not the issue, but the continued suppression of the Mediatrix and the threats and intimidation against the Filipino clergy. The CDF perhaps has the right to ban the celebrations for an apparition still per se in question.

Despite Müller's adamant anti-Mediatrix stance, the Virgin today triumphs over the Vatican as the Mediatrix devotion continues to spread like wildfire, based on repeated Mediatrix miracles through the decades. Refusing a new assignment in the Curia, Müller may perhaps retreat into the shadows for now, until Pope Francis descends the throne.
