Finance firm employee faces falsification raps

Paul Villa

An employee of a motorcycle financing company is in "hot water" after being slapped with 43 counts of falsified document and for qualified theft through fake receipt.

P/Maj. Edward Samonte chief of the MPD-District Special Operation Unit identified the suspect only as Rupert de Asis.

It was learned De Asis was filing charges against clients who fail to pay their monthly amortizations for the motorcycle loan but was the one collecting the payment. He allegedly has not remitted to the company such payments and was issuing fake receipts to customers.

Samonte, in an interview, said that suspect De Asis is bloating sum of money for the expenses for filing court cases of delinquent clients who fail to pay their monthly due.

De Asis defended his act by saying he had not taken any money but instead he put the payment to the account of other delinquent customers by juggling his collected money.