Circular Explorer boosts Manila Bay rehab

Raffy Ayeng

A solar-powered, marine waste-removing vessel has removed and recycled 600,000 tons of plastic waste from Manila Bay from January, when it started its cleanup of the polluted body of water, to June.

On 10 September, the Circular Explorer also collected 18,415 kilograms of waste, including 7,965 kilograms of plastics, in 3.84 million square meters of the bay.

With the significant accomplishment of the Circular Explorer, which is operated by the Holcim Group and One Earth-One Ocean, a partnership with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources is now in the works to align the vessel's activities with the agency's Manila Bay rehabilitation program.

"We are proud to see the Circular Explorer in action and responding to the enormous challenge of marine pollution. The vessel also plays a key role in amplifying our message on the importance of circularity to preserve natural resources and minimize waste," Holcim Philippines president and CEO Horia Adrian said.

"With the first months of cleanup operations, a vision has become reality. We are now actively helping clean Manila Bay with this unique prototype vessel," OEOO Circular Explorer project manager Daniel Scheler said.

The Philippine Coast Guard Marine Environmental Protection Command participate in the Circular Explorer's daily cleanup of the bay.

The vessel has special sensors for collecting data on marine microplastics, huge concentrations of which endanger aquatic life.

The gathered information is shared with the University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute, which is studying waste management and aquatic conservation strategies.

The vessel is also spreading awareness on the importance of a circular economy through an education campaign with the advocacy organization Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation.

"I am stoked to see even more important milestones coming up soon, as we are about to take the next exciting steps toward consolidating our Education and Scientific pillars," according to Scheler.

Holcim Group Circular Explorer project manager Christine Bellen, for her part, said, "We are excited to see the Circular Explorer reach new milestones under its waste collection, science, and education pillars in collaboration with our amazing partners. As it gathers more support in its mission, we are confident in seeing it deliver a bigger positive impact that can extend beyond the Philippines."

The education campaign will be run in a number of public and private elementary schools to embed the value of protecting seas and conserving resources among elementary and high school students.