Liza fetes Girl Scouts over IG

Tiziana Celine Piatos

First Lady Liza Araneta-Marcos on Sunday congratulated the Girl Scouts of the Philippines or GSP on its 83rd anniversary.

The First Lady congratulated GSP in her social media post as it held its anniversary celebration over the weekend at the Philippine International Convention Center in Manila.

"Congratulations to all our Girl Scouts on our 83rd anniversary!" Marcos said in an Instagram post.

The GSP is one of the largest youth organizations in the Philippines, with over 800,000 members nationwide as of 2017.

The organization's mission is to "help girls and young women realize the ideals of womanhood and prepare themselves for their responsibilities in the home, the nation, and the world community."

According to the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Girl Scouting in the Philippines began as early as 1918 with GSUSA troops organized by American Missionaries.

However, it was not until 1939 that the Girl Scout Movement was formally launched following GSP Founder Josefa Llanes Escoda's arrival from an intensive Girl Scout training in the USA.