AFP: CPP-NPA ‘gasping for breath’

Lade Jean Kabagani

The Communist Party of the Philippines is gasping for breath following the breakdown in communication between its units and the neutralization of its leaders, according to the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

As the CCP celebrated its 54th founding anniversary on Monday, AFP spokesperson Col. Medel Aguilar said the death of its founder and chairman Jose Maria Sison has left the underground movement with no sense of purpose and direction.

"Fifty-four years after it was founded, the underground movement never achieved anything significant to get closer to its goal, violent overthrow of the government, seizure of political power and overhaul of the political system," Medel said.

Aguilar said the party's strength and support from the masses continue to decline after peaking with more or less 28,000 members from 1986 to 1987.

"As the UGM struggled to establish a guerilla front in every congressional district of the country, its leaders and members can only watch with frustration and helplessness as the government's security operations and development programs decapitate them," he added.

The AFP official said there are about 23 guerilla fronts left with only five capable of implementing party programs while "the other 18 are weak and gasping for breath."

"This gives the military the opportunity to focus its superior capability against the five while the civil government needs only to implement programs that will address the source of peoples' discontent to render the UGM's AOM (agitate, organize and mobilize) activities inutile," Aguilar maintained.

Aguilar cited the neutralization of many of its top leaders including Julius Giron, Menandro Villanueva and Jorge Madlos, among others.

He also noted the silence and long absence of Benito Tiamzon, Sison's apparent successor and the loss of their mass base and mass organizations.

"To keep the organization afloat, the CPP through a digital person known as Marco Valbuena can only come up with press releases and statements to convey the party's directive and message to its lower organs and armed group, including its threat of tactical offensives," he added.

Aguilar said the CPP is now more likely to strengthen its hold on what remains of its fighters and followers even with the "directive to conduct tactical offensives, in order to avoid disintegration and collapse."

Significant strategic losses

Meanwhile, AFP Public Affairs Chief Col. Jorry Baclor said the defense sector has monitored "significant strategic losses" in the communist ranks ahead of the CPP anniversary following the surrender of NPA leaders and their followers.

In 2022 alone, Baclor said 2,112 NPA fighters have returned to the fold of the law. A total of 1,876 firearms were recovered as a result of the AFP's campaign and the whole-of-nation program being implemented under the government's anti-insurgency initiatives pushed by the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict.

The guerilla fronts were also reduced to 22 from 89 since 2016, he added.

AFP Chief of Staff Lt. Gen Bartolome Vicente Bacarro earlier said that the military has achieved strategic victory against the CTG.

"We can confidently state that we have achieved strategic victory and are inching closer to total victory against these terrorists," he said.

"Our localized peace-building efforts, with multi-stakeholder and whole-of-nation approach, also yielded positive results, as we encouraged enemies of the state to return to the fold of the law and built goodwill with communities," he added.

55 NPA rebels yield

On Monday, the Philippine National Police reported the surrender of 55 suspected NPA rebels.

They were presented at the PNP-National Capital Region Police Office headquarters at Camp Bagong Diwa, Taguig City.

NCRPO chief PMGen. Jonnel Estomo echoed the call of PNP chief PGen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. for the remaining Red fighters to give up and swear allegiance to the government.

"We believe that despite the difference in belief and ideology, we are one in pursuing a safe and progressive community for our children and families," Azurin said.

PAULA ANTOLIN @tribunephl_ phau