We live technology


The pandemic is almost over — just a practical observation especially during this season where the bane of city living is back with a vengeance. The heavy traffic, the crowded public spaces and, on a lighter note, events like concerts, restaurants, bars, travel, and more.

Pandemic fatigue is real and it's but human to seek comfort zones. Time to come out and literally have one's face out to enjoy space that's safe and healthy.

Medical experts, however, still advise taking caution as the pandemic is not officially over. Dr Rajendra Yadav and Dr Sangjun Moon of the World Health Organization in the Philippines wrote on the WHO website: "The pandemic is not over yet. We still need to get at least 70% of the total population vaccinated, with a greater focus on vaccinating the 2.4 million older adults who have not received even a single dose. In addition, we still need to continue masking, physical distancing, ensuring proper ventilation, and hand hygiene.

"If we continue to do that, we will be ready for the next COVID-19 wave. But, if we stop doing that too soon, we will be wasting the lessons we have learned from the two years of living with the pandemic."

From throwback days when urban dwellers were focused on creating sanitation spaces as part of mitigating the Covid-19 virus, to enhancing their homes for newfound skills like baking, to setting up mini-gyms — living in quarantine logically led to exploring digital technologies and surveillance.

Smart-home solutions, previously thought of as merely the stuff of sci-fi films, is now the standard. And just like that, voice-activated lights, CCTV, appliances that can be operated via cellular phone aren't just here for the aesthetics but for safety, for living healthy, and for productivity. If there's any tender mercy here, technology is the gift of the pandemic.

Matt Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress, said it best: "Technology is best when it brings people together."

In this edition of Hotspot, let's get the conversation going on construction technology, how it makes the lives of those in the industry better, and let's look at four top projects that are leading the way in future-ready residences.
Read on and feel at home.