Beauty beyond breed

Pauline Songco

Cats are among the most misunderstood, abused, and unwanted animals. It's true they tend to be more independent compared to dogs and have a notorious reputation for being anti-social.

But that doesn't mean they don't deserve to be loved and cared for.

In the Philippines, the most common cat is the puspin or pusang Pinoy. Internationally, puspin is known as Domestic ShortHair Cat, House Cat ShortHair, or ShortHair Household Pet. These cats have short furs with coats of combined colors of gray, orange, brown, and black. Puspins with white coats and blue eyes are often deaf in one ear or both. When one eye is blue, the cat is likely deaf on that side.

When cats don't get the right amount of nutrition needed, they will likely get urinary tract infection.

It is also believed that puspins are genetically linked to the Japanese Bobtail, a breed of medium-sized cats with either longhair or shorthair varieties. They reach nine to 13 years of age.

Puspins are low maintenance in terms of grooming. Yet, pet owners should still complete their vaccinations to prevent them from getting sick.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when you plan to have a cat:
Prepare a starter pack. You will want to have a food bowl, a water bowl, a litter box, and a scratching post ready before bringing your fur baby home.

Cat-proof your home. Cats tend to jump or pounce from one high place to another. It is best to move precious figurines or expensive frames at a low level.

PUSPINS with white coat and blue eyes are often deaf in one ear or both ears.

Find a good odor neutralizer. Cats often spritz or pee on any part of your home. This is their way of marking their territory. Since it will be hard to prevent this, a good odor neutralizer will come in handy.

Feed them with a rich diet. Veterinarians recommend that cats are given a diet of mixed dry and wet food. When cats don't get the right amount of nutrition needed, they will likely get urinary tract infection.

Adopt, don't shop. If you're willing to adopt and give rescued puspins a new home, visit or @pawssionproject on Instagram.