Inside out

Inside out
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Robert Reinhardt’s unique ice cream flavors are drawing crowds to his gelato store in Tatabanya, Hungary. Word of his beer, goulash, potato pancake and traditional Hungarian dishes such as paprika chicken, cabbage stew and hearty meat pancakes mixed with ice cream base has spread and aroused customer curiosity.

The Roberto Confectionery ice cream parlor offers new flavors like spaghetti Bolognese and scrambled eggs with bacon, which sell for 500 forints (1.27 euro) per scoop. Tomato soup and sheep cheese with dill have also become favorites.

“We are a little bit overwhelmed because we didn’t expect that it would become such a hit,” Reinhardt’s wife Ena told Agence France-Presse, as patrons flocked to their store.

Meanwhile, a young man from Bihar, India had a taste for the “ironic” that shocked his mother and others.

When she was looking for the missing keys to her wardrobe closet, her son, who is in his early 20s, told her he had swallowed them.

At first she thought he was joking but later brought him to the hospital in Motihari to check his stomach. An ultrasound showed the keys were indeed inside his gut. There were also other objects detected in his stomach so surgery was performed.

Doctors extracted four keys, two nail cutters and a small folding knife. The patient is recovering, reports the New York Post.

The boy’s mom blamed his long use of cellphones for his penchant for eating inedible items, to which surgeon Dr. Kumar agreed.

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