Make the world safe always

“ The first Soviet bomb was more or less a deliberate copy of Fat Man, the US device. In the same year, the first US-Soviet nuclear war plan was penned in the US with Operation Dropshot.
Make the world safe always
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Cardinal Chito‘s advice, take heed.

“My dear brothers and sisters, let us beg Jesus to touch us, and continue to touch us. Let us beg Jesus to touch us, our families, and our world. And let us have the courage to go to Jesus, to touch Him and do not allow the envious devil to touch us and continue touching the world, destroying the world. We need the life-giving touch of Jesus, that can only come from Jesus.”

Has America lost its invincibility?

For several years after World War II, the United States developed and maintained a strategic force based on the Convair B-36 bomber that could attack any enemy from bomber bases in the United States. It deployed atomic bombs around the world for potential use in conflict. Over a period of a few years, many in the American defense community became increasingly convinced of the invincibility of the United States. Indeed, it became generally believed that the threat of a nuclear war would deter any strike against the United States.

Why not put all American nuclear weapons under United Nations or UN control?

There was a proposal to put all American nuclear weapons under international control (by the newly formed United Nations, for example) to deter both their use and an arms race. However, no terms could be arrived at that would be agreed upon by both the United States and the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union tested its own nuclear weapon.

On 29 August 1949, the Soviet Union tested its first nuclear weapon at Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan.

Scientists on the Manhattan Project in the United States had warned that, in time, the Soviet Union would develop a nuclear capability of its own. Nevertheless, the effect upon military thinking and planning in the United States was dramatic, primarily because American military strategists had not anticipated the Soviets would “catch up” so soon.

At this time, however, they had not yet discovered that the Soviets had conducted significant nuclear espionage on the Manhattan Project with spies at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, foremost of whom was theoretical physicist Klaus Fuchs.

The first Soviet bomb was more or less a deliberate copy of Fat Man, the US device. In the same year, the first US-Soviet nuclear war plan was penned in the US with Operation Dropshot.

Nuclear proliferation accelerated worldwide.

With the monopoly in nuclear technology broken, worldwide nuclear proliferation accelerated. The United Kingdom tested its first independent atomic bomb in 1952, followed by France developing its first atomic bomb in 1960, and China getting its first atomic bomb in 1964.

Nuclear reserves were a factor during the Cold War.

While much smaller than the arsenals of the United States and Soviet Union, Western Europe’s nuclear reserves were nevertheless a significant factor in strategic planning during the Cold War.

Top-secret White paper of Royal Air Force.

A top-secret White paper, compiled by the Royal Air Force and produced by the British government in 1959, estimated that British bombers carrying nuclear weapons were capable of destroying key cities and military targets in the Soviet Union, with an estimated 16 million deaths (half of them killed on impact and the rest fatally injured), before bomber aircraft from the US Strategic Air Command could reach the targets.

Truman became unpopular for firing General Douglas MacArthur.

Douglas MacArthur, an American general, was fired by President Harry Truman because he persistently requested permission to use his own discretion in deciding whether or not to use atomic weapons against the People’s Republic of China in 1951 during the Korean War. Truman’s action made him very unpopular with the American public who revered General MacArfthur.

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