What makes your blood sugar rise?

If you intend to eat desserts, then do it after a full meal. This is because whatever sugar you consume for dessert will be digested along with the fiber and protein in the meal. The result: no sugar spike.
Cory Quirino
Published on

You have heard this before but it bears repeating.

No matter how healthy you might seem, there is one thing that guarantees a rise in blood sugar levels — stress.

Mind and body

This clearly and dramatically attests to the power of the mind-body connection. Thoughts that elicit extreme emotion like anger or sadness can affect the body in unpleasant ways, from blood pressure to blood sugar levels.

So, if you wish to maintain a balance within the body, then seek first your mental and emotional harmony.

Midnight snacking on ice cream and cookies. This is self-explanatory. A bad habit like this will lead to diabetes.
Midnight snacking on ice cream and cookies. This is self-explanatory. A bad habit like this will lead to diabetes. PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF all about life and style

Lifestyle choices

There are habits that can contribute to disharmony in the body.

Eating sweets and refined carbohydrates on an empty stomach.

Having dessert before a meal.

I remember having met a lady at a dinner party. Her first course was a huge slice of chocolate cake. Surprised about the order in which she consumed food, I asked: “Sweets before savory?” Smiling, she gave me a thumbs up sign. I suppose it was her cheat day.

The advice from health experts is this: If you intend to eat desserts, then do it after a full meal. This is because whatever sugar you consume for dessert will be digested along with the fiber and protein in the meal. The result: no sugar spike.

Midnight snacking on ice cream and cookies. This is self-explanatory. A bad habit like this will lead to diabetes.

Surviving on fast food. Be wary of subsisting on over-processed foods.

While they are a convenience especially when you are in a hurry, relying on fast foods alone as your main source of meals could affect your health one day. Try home cooking for a change. Meals prepared in your own kitchen are sourced from whole foods produce. Thus, they have not undergone any processing nor are they laced with flavor enhancers, preservatives, coloring, etc.

Cravings. When you are hungry, don’t pop a candy bar in your mouth. Go for an apple. Potato chips are a favorite snack. Make sure the sodium and sugar content are not high. Instead, try making your own healthy snacks from scratch like baked sweet potato. When buying processed food, try to look at the label and its ingredients. Buy it if it says low in sugar and sodium plus zero transfat, zero hydrogenated oils.

Midnight snacking on ice cream and cookies. This is self-explanatory. A bad habit like this will lead to diabetes.
Midnight snacking on ice cream and cookies. This is self-explanatory. A bad habit like this will lead to diabetes. PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF UNSPLASH/rumeysa-aydin
Be wary of subsisting on over-processed foods.
Be wary of subsisting on over-processed foods.

Ingredient rule

Choose packaged foods with less than five ingredients, such as basic things like water, spices, vegetable natural flavors. Buy only products that are familiar to you or you can easily pronounce.

Health regimen

Drink a full glass of tepid water upon waking up, before meals and between meals. You should average eight to 10 glasses daily.

Beauty ritual

Puffy eyes can be remedied by a good night’s sleep plus this kitchen remedy: Cucumber fix — composed of 95 percent water, cucumbers act like a cold compress. Make cucumber slices, dip in cold water and apply on your eyes. Leave on for five to 10 minutes. Relax.

Affirmation: “I believe in myself!”

Love and light.

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