BCDA, Japan firm exploring cable car system in Camp John Hay

cable car
(File Photo)

Japanese firm Zip Infrastructure Co. Ltd. and the Bases Conversion and Development Authority are exploring possibilities of putting up a cable car system in Baguio City’s Camp John Hay, part of the two agreements that they've reached during BCDA’s visit to Tokyo, Japan last week along with other Philippine government agencies.

Zip Infrastructure is a company that develops self-propelled ropeways for use in urban areas.

Through a signed MOU, BCDA’s deal with Zip Infrastructure is to determine the viability of a self-driven cable car system in Camp John Hay, Baguio City.

BCDA President and Chief Executive Officer Joshua M. Bingcang and Zip Infrastructure CEO Takamasa Suchi signed the MOU, witnessed by Transportation Secretary Jaime J. Bautista and Zip Infrastructure Director and Head of Business Development Mario Ian Carlos Ferido Rebonquin.

With the said agreement, Zip Infrastructure is tasked to prepare a feasibility study for the operations and maintenance of its self-driven cable car system called Zippar in Camp John Hay.

This technology seeks to provide an alternative transportation system that can ease traffic congestion and provide better accessibility.

This year, the City Government of Baguio even announced that it will use artificial intelligence to manage vehicular traffic congestion.

By leveraging AI algorithms, the city government’s traffic managers can analyze real-time data and make informed decisions to improve the flow of traffic in the city, in partnership with the Metro Pacific Tollways Corp. (MPTC) which the City Government hopes will be realized before the end of the second quarter of 2024.

Zippar also offers a versatile design that allows riding in curves and branches while remaining automated and driven from a control center.

“This technology promises to enhance urban mobility, reduce traffic congestion, and promote environmentally sustainable transportation solutions. By leveraging Zippar technology, we can create a seamless and efficient transport system within Camp John Hay, making it more accessible and enjoyable for residents and visitors alike,” PCEO Bingcang said.

Aside from this, the BCDA also inked a three-year partnership with the Organization for Public-Private Partnerships Promotion Support (OPPS) of Japan to facilitate the promotion of investment opportunities in New Clark City and other BCDA economic zones to Japanese companies.

OPPS is an organization of Japanese companies providing support services to realize PPPs and private finance initiatives. It helps industries screen infrastructure projects and supports coordination between Japanese companies and partner governments.

The MOU was signed by PCEO Bingcang and OPPS Director and Vice President Kimikazu Uemura, with Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Deputy Minister for Overseas Projects Seiichi Onodera; Japan Overseas Infrastructure Investment Corp. for Transport and Urban Development President and CEO Tatsuhiko Takesada; and BCDA Vice President for Engineering and Social Support Mark P. Torres, as witnesses.

Through this partnership, the BCDA and OPPS seek to create business opportunities, promote information exchange between the public and private sector, and scope appropriate modes of partnership with Japanese companies interested in specific investment areas, such as housing, estate management, operations and maintenance of sports facilities, transportation, waste-to-energy, smart city development, retail, and other areas that may be required or agreed upon by both parties.

“OPPS as a steadfast advocate for BCDA's projects, and leveraging on your Japanese network and expertise to attract investment and foster international partnerships will be crucial and invaluable in raising awareness about the opportunities available in New Clark City and in facilitating collaborations with global stakeholders,” said PCEO Bingcang.

Daily Tribune