The most vital of vitamins

Health enthusiasts, take note. B1 turns food into energy. It is also protective of the heart, brain and nervous system.
Cory Quirino

While the practice of taking vitamin supplements is still debatable, there has been mounting evidence on the effectiveness of supplementing.

Let’s find out why.

The essentials

There are 13 essential vitamins: A, C, D, E, K and B vitamins (Thiamine, Niacin and Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, B6, B12 and Folate).

Of the 13, if experts were to choose the most important, it would be Thiamine. This is because Thiamine is considered an essential vitamin needed by every tissue in the body in order to function properly. Trivia: The first vitamin ever discovered by scientists is Thiamine, called B1.

Health enthusiasts, take note. B1 turns food into energy. It is also protective of the heart, brain and nervous system. This explains why highly-stressed individuals require Vitamin B supplementation. Food is the best source of nutrition. If you can get your B! from whole foods, the better.

COMPLEX carbohydrates found in fortified pastas provide essential energy for the body.
COMPLEX carbohydrates found in fortified pastas provide essential energy for the body. PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF UNSPLASH/HEATHER GILL
BEANS contain decent amounts of vitamins.
BEANS contain decent amounts of vitamins. PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF UNSPLASH/ julia-vivcharyk

Natural sources: Poultry, fortified breads, beans, pork, peas, soybeans, rice, yeast, nuts, fortified pasta and cereal.

A deficiency in B1 may result in: muscle weakness, weight loss, short term memory loss and confusion.

Possible illnesses are Beri-Beri and Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome.

Symptoms include nervous systems problems, visual impairment, mental decline/memory loss and lack of muscle coordination.

There are risk factors in people with health challenges: Chron’s disease, anorexia, HIV/AIDS, dialysis, loop diuretics and alcohol abuse.

The good news is that a B1 deficiency is not common among healthy adults.

The right dosage

You can consult your doctor if you need supplementation. Thiamine is being used to treat people with alcoholism and Alzheimers.

But if you eat a balanced diet, chances are your B vitamin levels are normal. The only way to know is through a blood test.

Vitamin B IV infusion is popular these days. It will not hurt to have this once a month.

By taking a B-complex vitamin daily, you can prevent any B vitamin deficiencies, Read the label to see if B1 is covered.

Health drink of the week:

B Smoothie

Mix together one cup of fresh pineapple chunks, two leaves of kale and half an avocado. Add the contents of one spirulina capsule as an added boost.

Place in a blender and drink up.

Beauty regimen : Lemon Splash

Add a squeeze of lemon in 2 cups of cool water. Splash your face when the weather gets too hot. Close your eyes so the lemon does not irritate your eyes.

Affirmation: “ Happiness becomes me.”

Love and Light.

Daily Tribune