DA to build food hubs for improved farm-to-market logistics

WITH the removal of non-tariff barriers, more imported agricultural products may reach local markets, potentially bringing down prices at — debatably — the expense of local producers.PHOTOGRAPH BY DIANNE BACELONIA FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE

As part of its increased efforts to boost farmer revenues through improved logistics, the Department of Agriculture (DA) plans to establish food hubs nationwide, integrating traditional food terminals with the accessibility of KADIWA centers. 

Agriculture Secretary Francisco  Tiu Laurel Jr. acknowledged that the country lacks food terminals; thus, he said these soon-to-rise hubs will serve as crucial posts where farmers and cooperatives can directly bring their produce and facilitate transactions with wholesale buyers and individual consumers while offering their products at competitive prices.

In a statement on Thursday, DA said its broader logistics roadmap aims to enhance the efficiency of agricultural supply chains, ensuring a sufficient supply of vital agricultural products at affordable prices, especially in areas with high demand.

Hence, the agency revealed that negotiations are underway for either a joint venture or long-term lease on a one-hectare property in Marikina's BFCT Bagsakan Center, which will be the first location for the distribution hubs.

It would take at least 12 months to complete the required facilities, including cold storage and dry warehouses, essential for preserving agricultural products, according to DA.

"While the management of these food hubs will fall under the purview of Food Terminals Inc. (FTI), a KADIWA component will be integrated into their operations,"  the agri chief said.

Kadiwa, loosely translated as “one idea, one thought,” is a market system that sells major agricultural goods at reasonably low prices to help poor Filipino households. 

Besides establishing food terminals, the DA earlier expressed its plans to build more cold storage facilities dedicated to stockpiling agricultural produce to address oversupply and minimize post-harvest losses of crops.

Daily Tribune