Outstanding leaders

“Vice President and concurrent Secretary of Education Duterte-Carpio was able to prepare and submit to President Bongbong Marcos her basic education report.
Outstanding leaders

There is an urgent need to cultivate and develop superior creative minds among our children who will be the backbone of the New Philippines.

Bongbong Marcos and Sara Duterte have demonstrated their ability and competence to manage and administer the affairs of the Republic of the Philippines.

As of today, the accomplishments of the two, even before the end of the second year of their administration, have been outstanding.

President Marcos, in his desire to accomplish his task and fulfill his promises, has embarked on foreign trips to gain investments for the development of the national economy to improve the life of his countrymen in the cities and the farmlands.

His foreign trips, according to the Department of Trade and Industry or DTI, have obtained $72.178 billion worth of investments. The Presidential Communications Office said the total investment value consists of 148 projects based on DTI’s latest monitoring consolidated and processed investments.

These investments—realized in the pipeline — are mostly in the sectors of manufacturing, IT-BPM, renewable energy, data centers, and telecommunications, DTI said in a statement released by the Presidential Communications Office (PCO).

According to the PCO, the DTI categorized the investments in the following:

Registered as a business or investment promotion agency (IPA) with operations — $205.53 million or P54.75 billion;

Registered as a business–IPA—P983.21 million or P54.75 billion;

IPA registration in progress and ongoing operations — P$5.079 billion or P282.8 billion;

Signed agreements specifying a clear financial project value of $9.771 billion or P544.152 billion;

Signed memorandum of understanding/letter of interest (MoU/LoI) — $28.529 billion or P1.588 trillion;

Confirmed investments not covered by MoU/LoI and still in the planning stage — $27.345 billion or P1.522 trillion.

Another 20 projects have been given the green light and registered with IPAs of DTI, Board of Investments and Philippine Economic Zone Authority and are currently being monitored by the DTI, according to the PCO.

Bongbong Marcos’s foreign trips have yielded P427 billion in investment pledges.

The DTI said the investments were gained during Marcos’s business engagements in the United States and Japan, among others.

Marcos attended the Association of Southeast Asian Nations–Japan where he received more investments worth $263.08 million or P14 billion.

Vice President and concurrent Secretary of Education Duterte-Carpio was able to prepare and submit to President Bongbong Marcos her basic education report. The report was classic and most comprehensive and the first of its kind to ever be submitted by a secretary of education of the country.

Many believe the coverage of the report and the careful analysis of problems with the corresponding recommendations will help upgrade the quality of basic education in the country, improve school buildings and classrooms, and boost school facilities. It could greatly improve the learning and teaching processes.

Upgrading the quality of teaching methods and procedures could lead to learners being taught to analyze and solve problems and to be creative. Teaching learners to be creative will lead to the development of a superior creative mind. There is an urgent need to develop superior creative minds among our children if we intend to build a solid foundation for our nation.

But the creative minds of children can only flourish and blossom in an atmosphere of peaceful and quiet homes where harmony and love abide; where parents serve as models of discipline, honesty, moral integrity, love, kindness, gentleness, and refinement of conduct; where parents teach and educate their children, not through force, nor threats, but through living examples of firm but benevolent authority, of justice tempered with mercy; where parents are the perfect embodiments of Mary and Joseph, accepting the realities of the world full of challenges even for learners in their early age.

Daily Tribune