Healing foods

There is one certainty though. The universal belief prevails: Good nutrition is one of the strongest foundations for good health.
Healing foods

Healing. This is the operative word these days. More than just a lifestyle choice, ultimately in this day and age of uncertainty where invisible enemies lurk in the form of viruses, one cannot be too sure about just what being healthy is.

So, whether you wish to recover from an illness, recapture your vitality or simply improve your longevity profile, it is good to learn more about how to stay strong over the years. 

No two people have the same biological, mental and emotional predisposition. Thus, there is no singular remedy to any health challenge. What is needed is a multi-protocol approach. 

There is one certainty though. The universal belief prevails: Good nutrition is one of the strongest foundations for good health.

It is therefore important to understand that there is such a thing as the healing power of food. Let’s take a closer look. And if you commit to these proposed suggestions, then expect positive changes in your health profile.

VARIETY of fruits that are nutritious.
VARIETY of fruits that are nutritious.PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY OF unsplash/jo sonn
SALMONPHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY OF unsplash/caroline attwood
FRESH honey.
FRESH honey.PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY OF unsplash/heather barnes
KALE contains various other nutrients that can help revent health problems.
KALE contains various other nutrients that can help revent health problems.PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY OF unsplash/laura johnston

Change Your Choices

To change means to give up old-habits and replace them with new ones. Consider this checklist.

1. Drop the processed foods. Anything from a can or plastic bag has to go.

2. Read the labels carefully. Anything that says:

•hydrogenated oils — should no longer be part of your grocery list. 

•total sugars — beyond 10 grams is considered unhealthy

•synthetic — anything like coloring, seasoning - be extra wary

Top Healing Foods

1. The greener, the better. Load up on leafy greens like microgreens, lettuce, kale, spinach etc. It’s like taking a vitamin supplement. You can be sure that you will be consuming vitamins A, C, E, K, Folate.

If you notice people with glowing complexion, ask them about their eating habits. Chances are, they enjoy a generous serving of veggies daily.

2. Fruits. Don’t worry about the fructose, especially if the fruit is high in fiber. 

Ranking highest in antioxidant power is acai berries followed by blueberries, cherries, strawberries. Citrus fruits of all kinds are rich in vitamin C. Tropical fruits like papaya, coconut, guava, pineapple and avocado contain beneficial unsaturated fats, minerals and vitamin E.

3. Raw Honey . Remember, it’s got to be raw. So, when you buy honey, be mindful where it was sourced from. Benefits: anti-bacterial

4. Organic, free range chicken. Sans the hormones and antibiotics, free range chickens are the healthier choice.

5. Wild-caught fish as opposed to farmed. These contain beneficial fatty acids.

6. Seeds and nuts rich in omega 3 and minerals, protein-rich

7. Good bacteria in probiotic rich foods like yoghurt, kimchi, fermented foods like tempeh.

Affirmation: “I am a happiness-magnet.”

Love and Light.

Daily Tribune