Behind a prison’s cold bars

It shouldn’t be life imprisonment for beating up someone. — Cedric Lee

In your situation, I mean case, I could say. Vhong Navarro finally got justice. Actually, he suffered for years waiting for the court decision. Learn your lesson man, be human. You deserved it. — Gladys Velasco

Hard lesson to learn for Cedric Lee and Deniece Cornejo. Spend your time in prayers and penitence. — Beng Choo Cortes

The evidence speaks for itself, go to higher court, you have money anyway. You say it was a simple assault, you almost killed him, there was one of him, there were many of you. — Emerson Viray

You should not hurt a fellow human being.— Thelma Loyola

That’s what karma is, learn your lessons and, respect so they are respected, be kind. — Poppye Lallee

Justice will prevail, that’s what you deserve.— Edwin Pasco

Edwin Pasco, you’re correct. Just because they’re rich, they think they control everything even the law. They are not content with what they have; they are like kings. — Jochel Quantico

The verdict was correct, for all we know they did other things, maybe more than just abusing and oppressing others, maybe it should have been more. — Eddieboy Guevara

You do something wrong, that is the consequence. I was impressed by the judge, that’s a verdict incomparable in its gravity, they deserve it. Now, no one will commit a crime like that. — Sidioc Uy

His eyes were almost shut and they were black and blue all around, and that wasn’t serious injuries to him? What are serious injuries, that the eyes bug out and the eyeballs pop out? — Onascle Rl

Nothing permanent, no matter how rich you are, how strong, especially if you oppress others and are arrogant you won’t last long. What’s bad is that your arrogance brought you to a bad end. — Nhaids Ali

God knows who is in the right. Judgment may be long in coming from above, but when he hands down his righteous order accept it completely whoever must suffer. — Ester Garcia

Tell it to the judge. — Rich Catch

Hahaha, more excuses, let the court decide. Have you seen that face, now there’s justice for guys who love to hit people. Just a little beating. — Eva Calingo

What’s Peter’s, is Peter’s; what’s John’s, is John’s. He got a “massage” at the wrong time. It went a little too far. Both of his eyes were practically shut. It’s a good thing they didn’t mangle his penis (they said). — Don Parado

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