Separate jails for heinous crime convicts — Remulla

Separate jails for heinous crime convicts — Remulla

Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” C. Remulla is pushing for a dedicated penal facility for individuals convicted of serious crimes, and he is also instructing the Department of Justice (DOJ) to accelerate the planned relocation of the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) to Regional Prison Facilities.

In line with the implementation of Republic Act No. 11928, also known as “An Act Establishing a Separate Facility for Persons Deprived of Liberty Convicted of Heinous Crimes and Appropriating Funds Therefor”, or simply, the “Separate Facility for Heinous Crimes Act,” Remulla issued Department Order No. 208, series of 2024, reconstituting the Technical Working Group (TWG) for the said program to be chaired by Undersecretary Deo L. Marco, Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Director General Gregorio P. Catapang, Jr. and composed of other corrections officials.

A secretariat composed of the appropriate number of personnel with at least two stenographers from the DOJ Technical Staff shall be constituted as well to assist the TWG in carrying out its functions.

Representatives from the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime shall be invited as TWG external members.

The TWG is ordered to submit its Report to the Secretary not later than ninety days from the issuance of the Department Order.

The project aims to establish a facility in a suitable location away from the general population and other PDLs, preferably within a military establishment or an island separate from the mainland.

The law also mandates the construction of at least three facilities for high-level offenders of heinous crimes with one facility each in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

“Our prison system and facilities reflect the efficiency of the State in rebuilding lives who have once become astray for certain reasons beyond our control,” Remulla said.

Remulla explained that in reforming those who have transgressed the laws, they should consider not only the welfare of the PDLs but the security and well-being of the community as well.

Daily Tribune