Regain your energy in 7 steps

This is the truth. Sitting all day can drain you. There is nothing wrong if you have your regular Netflix time, but remember to get up and walk around between episodes.
Regain your energy in 7 steps

These scenarios may seem all too real. If you identify with any of them, fear not. You are definitely not alone! 

* You have been sitting in front of the TV set for an hour. Suddenly, upon standing, the room starts spinning. 

* Climbing up the usual flight of stairs at home makes you feel winded. 

* After two hours of bonding over dinner with your lady friends or male buddies, you are overcome with exhaustion. 

*. Swimming has always been your favorite sport. But after 20 laps, you feel your heart pounding faster than your usual day at the pool. 

* You think you had a good night's sleep. However, upon waking up you feel tired.

* Just one hour into the meeting and you have lost the interest and the energy to go on. You just want to conclude matters and go home.

* You have been turning down social engagements one after the other after a month-long frenzy of partying. Your quiet time has become your priority. 

* It takes so much out of you these days to even bother explaining anything. Often, you need to catch your breath.

Sounds familiar?

When you go through much in life, when there is so much going on, there is only one predictable consequence: burn-out.

It is high time for defensive moves.

SLEEP is essential to our body.
SLEEP is essential to our body. PHOTOGRAPH courtesy of unsplash/fa-barboza

1. Better sleep.

Stop exposure to blue light one hour before bedtime. Too much exposure to gadgets can over-stimulate your brain. It needs time to quiet down.

Do not exercise at night (unless you are one of those who sleep better after nighttime workouts)

No to any caffeine two hours before bedtime.

Avoid arguments in the bedroom. Resolve issues before sleeping. 

Do not overeat at dinner. End your evening meal two hours before bedtime. Too big a gap might cause you to have hunger pangs past midnight. 

Avoid sugar after dinner. 

STANDING improves our blood circulation.
STANDING improves our blood circulation.PHOTOGRAPH courtesy of unsplash/ britain-eriksen

2. Stand instead of sitting.

This is the truth. Sitting all day can drain you. There is nothing wrong if you have your regular Netflix time, but remember to get up and walk around between episodes.

If you have done your regular morning exercise, you have earned your right to relax. But if you have failed to attend to your routine, then do get up and start moving!

Energy begets energy. If you do not move, then you will get weaker. 

Exercise increases the following: dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine. They are designed to produce the effects of satisfaction, a sense of fulfillment and, yes, joy.

3. Take a step back.

Social interactions make good medicine. But when there is so much partying in your life, one tends to overlook matters that count most like -- eating on time, having a proper meal, hydrating enough, sleeping enough. And yes, exercising as much as you should. This is the reason why routines are set and regimens are established so that we can have order in our lives. 

You wonder why it feels as though you are not taking in enough oxygen even if you are breathing. It is because you have lost your rhythm. Retrieve it by decreasing your social commitments. By doing so, you strengthen your commitment to yourself.

A DIET rich in vegetables and fruits can lower risk of getting sick.
A DIET rich in vegetables and fruits can lower risk of getting sick.Photograph courtesy of unsplash/brooke lark

4. Start eating healthy.

So, you think that one bowl of salad a day is enough to make you healthy. Wrong. It takes discipline. A young lady in her 30s asked me to help her lose 10 pounds. I invited her to come with me to observe my daily routine. At meal time, I supervised her food choices and guided her along. Each time she would grab half a plateful of rice or a huge serving of dessert. I would ask her to return half of the servings on her sweets/carb-laden plate and replace them with greens and protein. Then as it became a habit, she got used to it. That was the only time she understood the meaning of discipline. Once she got the hang of it, she began to lose weight gradually. An ever grateful and slimmer young lady is now much happier. 

5. Talk to a friend. Take up art. 

Sometimes, when we keep things bottled inside of us, there is no outlet for all that pent-up emotion. Release it. Get physical by exercising. And, more importantly, talk to someone you trust. Tell your story. Release your pain and frustration. Resort to essay writing. Have a journal on the side. But the best therapy of all is simply talking to a friend. This you can do over a cup of hot chocolate or tea. Allow your sense of creativity to express your released feelings. Start painting, crocheting, sewing, singing or dancing. You have many choices. 

6. Spiritual connection.

It is good to talk to your higher self because the inner you will speak to you. This you can do through prayer, meditation and alone time. Do you know that people who meditate regularly are able to better manage their stress levels, consequently their blood pressure. Try it and see for yourself.  

7. Simple health helpers.

Give in to your favorite spoonful of wild honey -- Manuka, even better. Your cup of sugar-free coconut ice cream or yogurt. Yes, that glass of Bordeaux (not more than two for women and three for men), a serving of carabao cheese or Gouda, a fresh warm plate of home-cooked pasta or artisanal sourdough. Those simple pleasures can lift your mood.

Affirmation: "Just like the new moon, a new me evolves.”

Love and light! 

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