MICT enhances port users’ experience through innovative solutions

Leveraging technology, the MICT has rolled out several innovative digital solutions to enhance transparency and make transactions more convenient for port users.
MICT enhances port users’ experience through innovative solutions
photograph courtesy of MICT

Manila International Container Terminal (MICT), the Philippines’ premier gateway for international trade and International Container Terminal Services Inc.’s (ICTSI) flagship operation, continues to introduce innovative solutions that enhance customer experience, further driving efficiency at the heart of the country’s supply chain.

Customer experience in ports includes various processes and interactions between the terminal operator, customs authorities, shipping lines, freight forwarders, truckers, cargo owners and other stakeholders.

Each aspect of these interactions impacts overall efficiency of the supply chain. Leveraging technology, the MICT has rolled out the following innovative digital solutions to enhance transparency and make transactions more convenient for port users.

Advance Customer Transaction System

When the global health crisis hit the country in 2020, the MICT transitioned to 100 percent digital payments via ICTSI’s Advance Customer Transaction System (ACTS).

The system offered a convenient, efficient and secure platform that enabled port users to settle their transactions at the comfort and safety of their homes. Eliminating the need to visit the terminal, ACTS helped keep MICT customers safe during the pandemic while streamlining port transactions.

The transition also supports the government’s efforts to streamline and further improve the ease of doing business using online platforms and digital payment systems.

ICTSI Support Services Assistant

Last year, MICT introduced the ICTSI Support Services Assistant, or ISSA. This 24/7 chat service is designed to facilitate more efficient customer interaction by providing instant responses to inquiries.

Port users can access ISSA via MICT’s website to get answers to frequently asked questions as well as check the status of cargo, trucks and vessels.

“ISSA enhances our support services by enabling us to respond to queries more quickly. The sooner we provide answers, the faster we can address client concerns and expedite their transactions,” said Christian Lozano, MICT chief operating officer.

Besides addressing FAQs, ISSA also empowers MICT customer representatives to assist more clients with more complex and personalized queries.

Terminal Appointment Booking System

The Terminal Appointment Booking System (TABS) is one of the most notable innovations implemented by MICT in recent years. Launched in 2015, TABS is an online platform that enables trucking companies to schedule specific slots for container pick-ups and drop-offs, optimizing cargo movement within the port.

Explained Lozano, “Having a structured framework for truck arrivals benefits all the stakeholders in the port. TABS helps our clients to plan their trips more effectively leading to potentially lower costs. It also helps us to improve our productivity by enabling us to allocate our resources more effectively and address operational challenges more proactively.”

Having an appointment system in place regulating the arrival of trucks also helps reduce traffic congestion along city roads leading to the port.

Truck Manifesting

Recognizing the need to further streamline the gate process for external truck drivers, MICT developed TABS’s Truck Manifesting feature. Truck Manifesting allows the advance submission of booking details, truck plate numbers and driver information, simplifying the standard kiosk transaction of truck drivers upon arrival at the terminal.

By having all transaction details submitted in advance, long queues are mitigated during gate processing as only valid truck plates, drivers and gate passes are subjected to confirmation prior to entry at the terminal.

Launched in September last year, Truck Manifesting also automatically opens tandem slots for drop-off containers whenever a pick-up container is booked in TABS. This allows customers to reserve an export booking with a matching zone even before export container details become available.

Kalakbay Rewards

MICT’s commitment to customers extends beyond streamlining processes. The company has introduced the Kalakbay Rewards loyalty program to incentivize loyalty and efficiency. The loyalty program allows truck drivers to earn points for every successful transaction at MICT.

Daily Tribune